Wednesday, December 22, 2004


When Lucione was small, if she took a taste of something she liked, she'd say "Mmmm, yummers!" Now when I say that to her she looks at me sideways. haha

I just tasted my first batch of cookies and if she were here, I'd have said that to her. Who am I kidding? I said it even thought she isn't here. Nobody's here. Just me and my cookie dough. Banana cookies, mmmmmmmm! Taste just like banana bread but easier to make, in my opinion.

This post is making absolutely no sense. Back to the kitchen I go.


Kate said...

Mmmmmm yum! I love banana bread and banana nut bread! Sounds wonderful!

Kerri said...

Hi Kate! These are Banana Nut cookies sans the nuts. I have family members who are allergic to nuts so I use chocolate chips instead! They really are quite tasty, if I do say so myself. hehe ;o)

Jenny said...

Kerri Banana and Chocolate Chips!!!!! Oh yes!

I have the same thing with Mindy now. She told me last night to stop using words such as "dude" and "posse" and "*word". Little does she know that those words were popular when I was HER age.

I'm dreaming of your cookies as I head off to work. So not fair of you to make me hungry when there's no way I can have one!! ;-)

*word as in "word up" or "word to ya motha"

Kerri said...

Ooops! hehehe So sorry, dear!

Like I told Tara, if I could find a way to get my baked goodies to you aaaalllllll the way over there, I would. But I've never had luck with baked goods in the mail when sending or receiving (ask Ahka about the receiving part...she sent me Easter bread this year and it was almost Independence Day when it finally arrived!).

Jenny said...


Aimee said...

Thanks for the rosette hints. I'll be sure to pass along your love to my whole dang family if you promise to do the same. ;)


Kerri said...

Jayleigh, it still "looked" good when it arrived, but I was scared to cut into it after it spent an entire month in post office limbo.

Aimee, sure, go ahead. They'll have no clue who I am, but what the heck? hehe

Jenny said...

No offense to Ahka's treat, just the time in post office limbo, as you said.

I used to tease my brother that I'd send him some seafood salad in the post. We love to gross each other out. ;-)

Merry Christmas Eve Eve.