Thursday, December 09, 2004

Little Bits

I saw the mother at school today. She averted her eyes as soon as I looked at her. I'm hoping it's because she feels guilty about the way she treated her son the other day.


Our church is having their bazaar today. I helped set it up lastnight so, thankfully, don't have to work a table today. I took cold medicine and it's zapped all my energy.


The snow has quit falling and it feels warmer out. I think we're going to get some rain.


Time to brag about Lindsey....the 5th and 6th grade classes have a challenge in science lab this week. They have to build a "Humdinger". It's a little contraption that hums when you pull a string and dings when you let go. The example is inside a paper bag that's taped shut so they don't know what it looks like, just what sounds it makes. Anyway, each group was given a bag of materials. The only rules were that they had to have a string and when you pulled it, you got a humming sound and when you let go, you heard a ding. Materials included a battery, a small motor, paper clips, small dowels, copper wire, masking tape, clothes pins, and rubber bands. Out of all 3 class rooms and a total of 10 groups, Lindseys group was the only group to figure out how to do it and they did it in about 30 minutes. Everyone else tried for an hour without success. I was so proud of how her group worked together and figured it out so quickly.


I have a head cold. I can't stop sneezing. I took cold medicine this morning and have been dragging ever since. I can breathe...but all I want to do is sleep. I can't miss work because I'm testing again and don't trust a substitute to remember how to do it. I'm sure anybody could do it, it's just me wanting to make sure it's done perfectly. If I can just make it through tomorrow, I should be okay.


My mom made me cry this morning. Not intentionally, and she doesn't know I cried because she did it via e-mail.

A few years ago, she was depressed and called me and cried on the phone for over an hour saying how she didn't feel successful, her marriage was going through a rocky time, my sister was stressing her out, etc. I couldn't console her on the phone. When we hung up, I sat down and wrote her a long letter. I told her how I'm always getting complimented on things. I've been told I have a good work ethic, a nice singing voice, the patience of a saint, etc. I told Mom that she is the reason I am who I am. I learned by her example. Well, it was a really long, mushy letter but it was sincere and it made her feel better.

Last week I asked both my mom and sister to create wish lists on because I was stumped. Theirs were the last gifts I had to purchase and could not think of anything they'd want or need. I figured I'd play Santa. Let them make a list and go from there. The items my mom initially chose were unavailable so I had to ask her to update her list. Twice. The last time I asked, I told her I was sorry that it was turning into such a chore, that I had hoped this would make things easier not harder.

Well this morning I got an e-mail from her. I think I've mentioned before that it's been extremely difficult to stay in contact with her. We've basically played phone tag for months. So I get her e-mail thinking it's going to be something about her wish list.

She said, "Hey Bear (my nicknames Care Bear), don't stress. I don't care if I get a gift from you. I miss you. Remember that letter you wrote me telling me how you feel about me? I still have it. I keep it on the shelf of my headboard and when I get lonesome or sad I read it and it always makes me feel better. I just want to do better at staying in touch. That could be my gift. I promise to be home every Monday at 5:00 so we could talk. That's what I wish for. That's all I want for Chrismas."

So yeah, I cried. I was touched that she kept the letter, sad to realize that she had to read it so often, guilty for not trying harder to get ahold of her....

I'm thinkin I won't even wait till Monday. If I have to try a hundred times between now and then I will talk to her before the weekends over.


Jenny said...

Oh gosh Kerri now I'm crying. That was so sweet of you to do for her, and sweet to know she still has the letter and it means so much to her.

You're a wonderful daughter and your momma is sure proud of you.

Jenny said...
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Aimee said...

I'd have kept the letter too. Your mom must be so proud of you, Bear. :)

I'm glad that *other* mom feels ashamed. She should.

And I'm so proud of your Lindsey. Yay for her & the smart group!

Kate said...

My mom and I talk on the phone every Sunday. It's the most wonderful thing ever. I'm glad that there are wonderful mothers and daughters out there. :-) I hope you get a hold of your mom and talk for hours.

And thanks for the comment on my blog. I think I'm feeling better because I'm less stressed and my friends tell me a million times a day how much they love me. Yay for good friends.

Kerri said...

Thanks ladies, I hope she is proud of me. I never really thought about it before, but making her proud means a lot to me.

Aimee, I really hope that mother comes to her senses for her sons sake. Lindsey was so proud of herself when I told her that she was a part of the only group to complete the challenge. I must say, I was proud of her, too.

Kate, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm glad that you are surrounded by such loving friends.

Kerri said...

Thanks Tara, I'm kicking myself for waiting so long. We used to be extremely close and I was even going to visit her once or twice a year. It's been about 3 years since I've been down there. I may have to plan a trip to CA this summer.