Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Therapy, Anyone?

Yesterday during study hall I witnessed an exchange between a son and father that made my heart melt. Then in the blink of an eye, I wanted to scream and cry all at the same time. Here's what happened.

A little first grade boy was in the library waiting for his mother to pick him up. His mother and father were never married and separated when the boy was 2 years old. For a while following the separation, the parents were civil to each other and the father even had custody for the better part of a year. Both the mother and father have different significant others now, though neither of them is married.

So the son is in the library and his father walks in. He's there to pick up the daughter of his current girlfriend who happens to be playing with his son. His son shows off his toys and asks to go with his dad.

Dad says, "I'm sorry, Son. I'm not going home. I need to bring her to her mom. Maybe next time."

He and the girl turn to leave and the boy calls out, "Love you!"

"Love you, too, Son."

Just as the boy was calling out, his mother walked in. She stomped over to her son, put her hands on her hips and screamed, "What was that all about?!"

The boys eyes grew as big as saucers and he was speechless.

"What did I tell you about him? You know better. You KNOW BETTER!! What did I tell you?"

"You said ignore him."

"Right! Just ignore him and walk away. You are not supposed to be talking to him!"

This was in the library. There were people there. Not just kids, but some parents, too. This is a small town. Small enough that everyone knows she and the boys father separated because she walked out on him. She moved in with a recently divorced guy and left her son behind for almost a year. What's happened since then, I don't know but she's obviously holding a grudge and I don't think it's fair for her to involve her son. He's in the first grade. He loves his dad. How can you deny him his own father? This poor child is going to need years of therapy to undo the damage his mother is doing. I sincerely hope, for the boys sake, she sees the error of her ways soon and changes her mind.


Kate said...

Wow, that is soo.. sad. I hope that the mother realizes the error of her ways.

Jenny said...

- Great for Lucione. Everyone needs to feel like they're "the best" at something. :-) How awesome for her!

- Snow! Lucky you! It's been raining here all week and on Monday the clouds were so thick it looked as though the sun went down an hour early. If this rain had been snow, it would have been a blizzard.

- We deal frequently with Mindy's parents acting this way toward each other. They are not as bad anymore, at least around me because I don't keep my mouth shut anymore. I WILL put them in their places.

- Thanks for checking up on me yesterday. Frankly, with Mindy here, I simply do not have computer time. She goes to bed at 9 PM (or 10 if we're watching a movie) and since she's in the living room, I need to make sure we're in our room and not hindering her sleep. We're thinking about adding on to our little house sooner rather than later.

Have a great afternoon, my friend. **hugs**

Aimee said...

Oh my god, that just makes me want to cry. It left a lump in my throat. That's just so wrong!

Next time you see her Kerri, slap her. Tell her it's from me.