Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tuesday Already?

I didn’t have time to post yesterday. Michael and I baked bread. 54 loaves. 54. Most of which will be given away as presents within the next couple days. Funny thing is, even when he’s just baking for personal use, he’s never made less than 20 loaves at a time. It’s just not in him to make a small batch.

We started at 8AM and were baking until about 5PM. Our big commercial mixer was not working so the mixing and kneading had to be done by hand. Our oven holds 5 loaves at a time so even though the dough was ready early on in the day, it took forever to bake it.

We would never have even thought about not doing it, though. Too many people look forward to it. Michael makes the best bread. Nothing fancy, just plain white bread, but it’s the best. Some years we make raisin bread as well, but not this year. Michael has to help his friend get some gifts back from town tomorrow so had to give up a baking day.

By the time we took our last loaf out of the oven, it was time to go and watch Lindsey play basketball. She’s on the Bulls. Her team ended up winning by 4 after going back and forth the whole 2nd half of the game.

I got lonesome for my mom yesterday, so I downloaded one of my favorite Christmas albums from my childhood and burned a CD. We listened to it in the truck last night after Lindsey’s game. I must say it was a comforting feeling to hear the music and retell stories of my childhood Christmases.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my paycheck. My sister-in-law (supt. Secretary) went into the office at 8AM yesterday even though she’s on vacation to get the ball rolling on my payroll check. She had sent an e-mail to the business manager who was already in Washington state by that time and called the chairperson of the school board. At about 10:20, my phone rang.

“Hi Kerri, this is Yvonne. I just hung up with the bank. I’ve cleared it so you can cash your payroll check. If you get there before Noon and speak with Lynn that would work the best.”

“Thank you so much, Yvonne! I’ll go right now. Thank you! Thank you!” I don’t know how many times I actually said thank you, but I truly was thankful. So much so, that Yvonne is getting a plate of Rosettes from me for Christmas this year. They happen to be her favorite treat. I normally cook up a few to add to my cookie plates and she always raves about them.

Now that it’s almost lunch time, I’m off to have a sandwich and then shop for cookie and fruit salad ingredients. I’ll be baking all day tomorrow while Michael is off in town helping his friend.


Jenny said...

I am so glad things seem to be back on track for you.

And I understand completely about Christmas albums and remembering times gone by. We always listened to the Sesame Street Christmas and I can still sing every song on the album. My brother and sister and I have a hundred memories that intermingle with those songs.

Take care, Kerri and have a blessed Christmas if I don't talk to you again beforehand. This last crunch before the holiday is a killer at The Pharmacy. We're selling everything off the shelves and I have 4 parties between tomorrow and Sunday. Wahoooo we're busy!


Merry Christmas, dear Friend.

Aimee said...

WOAH, that's a *lot* of bread! Are there even that many people on the island? (hee hee!)

So relieved your paycheck situation worked out.

Oh, hey, can you give me advice on the rosettes? I bought a thing this year to make them, but I'm nervous about messing them up. Do you use a thermometer to test the oil heat? Any hints or tips are gratefully accepted. ;)


Kerri said...

Jayleigh, I hope you manage to keep your sanity with all that you've got going on! :o) Merry Christmas to you and your Rob! (and Mindy, too)

Tara, I'd send you a loaf if I could trust the postal service to get it to you before it molds. We don't have Federal Express on this little island of ours. :o( Happy Holidays, to you and Hub! :o)

Aimee, hahaha! You're funny! :op

As far as the rosettes, just make sure your oil is hot. I think the temp works best around 375, if you have a deep fryer. When I use a pot I don't worry about the temp. Let your iron sit in the hot oil for a couple mintues before you dip it in the batter. You should hear a little sizzle when it touches the batter. DON'T let the batter go over the top of your iron or you'll have a heck of a time getting it off. If your rosette falls off your iron in the oil, just pick it out with a fork. Remember, they cook fast. One last thing...if you use powdered sugar on them, let them cool first or you'll end up with soggy sugar and your rosettes will lose their crispiness. I sound like a know-it-all rosette expert, but I'm really not. Last year I got so frustrated, I made Michael take over! haha

Merry Christmas to you and your Emily! (And Mom and Jess, and Kate, and Jeff, and Kates kids, and the dog, and the skinny pig, and Terri, and whoever else you've mentioned that I can't remember! hehe)