Thursday, December 02, 2004


I am so not awake today. I couldn't get to sleep last night until after Midnight. Then I woke up at 2:30 to find Michael was not in bed yet. I panicked and ran down the hall. He heard me coming and immediately got up to come to bed. It took me a while to calm back down and fall asleep. Then at 4:30AM I got a cramp in my leg. I've been awake ever since. So, yeah, I'm totally dragging today. I can't call in because we're already out of subs for both today and tomorrow. Well, I could call in if I didn't feel sorry for my sister-in-law, who is in charge of getting subs.

I'll try to ignore the burning in my eyes, the fact that my feet feel like a couple of anvils when I try to walk, and the aching muscle in my leg that is causing me to limp. Hopefully, I'll be successful because if the kids know you're tired, they're relentless.

Man, I wish I was a coffee drinker.

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