Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Well, it's about time, Mother Nature! I was beginning to doubt I still lived in Alaska! Here it is 18 days till Christmas and we finally get our first taste of snow. It'll probably change to rain in the next day or two, but this will be fun while it lasts. It's the fine, powdery snow that blows around in the wind. I love watching it swirl around. Too bad I'm so sleepy, or I'd sit up and watch it all night.

Lucione's recital last night was great. She played Good King Wenceslas and I must say, she had the best solo of the night and I'm not just being biased. I've heard her practicing here at my house, but to see her perform up there on stage, in a spotlight all by herself, without skipping a beat or missing a note made me extremely proud. She was totally in tune and kept a steady beat all the way through. There were high school students who did not do as well. You'd never know this was only her 2nd year playing. She is so going to love the trumpet I bought her for Christmas!

Now it's bedtime. I'll have a hard time falling asleep thinking about the snow out there. Not to mention the Beatles song that is now stuck in my head (Thanks a lot, Aimee!). :o)


Aimee said...

Hahaha! Sorry 'bout that.

Hooray for Lucione and Hooray for snow. I was talking about you at dinner tonight, "One of my blogger friends who lives in Alaska said they still haven't gotten any snow yet--and it's amost Christmas!" My mom couldn't believe it. I'm glad it's finally there. :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday. I'll stop in to say hey tomorrow.

Kerri said...

You were talking about me? Really? hehe That's surprising to me. I don't know why. I'm not confident the snow will stick around, but at least we're getting some.