Friday, December 03, 2004

What is This?

My nephew, Craig, is just too adorable sometimes!

This was taken at his Christmas program last year. He's "searching" for someone he knows in the audience. Posted by Hello

I went to visit my sister-in-law in her office this morning. My principal is really cool. He knows I wouldn't be in there if I had something more important to do so he doesn't fuss too much when I pop into the office every now and then.

If my sister is busy doing a project, he'll say something like, "She's busy, don't distract her too long."

Anyway, I was in there visiting this morning and Craig walked in. He had been playing on the playground, slipped, and landed in mud. His left leg was covered. Because of this, he was quite upset. When he is that upset, it is nearly impossible to brighten his mood.

My sister and I were trying to talk to him and cheer him up. When it became obvious to us that we were not successful, she did the only thing she could think of. She pulled out a gummi worm and handed it to him (it's okay, they were sugarless ;o) ).

"What is this?" he asked.

"It's a gummi worm, try it," his other aunt told him.

He looked it over and said, "Oh, thank you."

It seemed to me that he had never had a gummi worm before. He had no idea what to do with it.

"Oh, look! I made an L," he exclaimed.

We were glad that he was in a happier mood, but he really had no clue what he had in his hands.

"I can twist it. See? It bends. I can stretch it, too."

After about 5 mintues of his playing with it, my sister finally took another one out. When she was sure he was looking, she put one end of it in her teeth and stretched it out till it broke and chewed it up.

"You can eat it?!"

"Yes, you can. Take a bite, I think you'll like it."

He took a little nibble off the end and chewed it slowly. Then this huge grin came across his face and he took another bite. By the time his mother showed up, he was in better spirits. He walked to the restroom to change his pants and my sister and I cracked up. We could not stop laughing. We were laughing so hard, the prinicpal poked his head out of his office to see if we were okay.

Sweet little Craig made my entire day. :o)


Kate said...

Too cute!! :-)

Jenny said...

What a sweet little guy! Between this and Halloween, he seems like a charmer. Lucky Aunt Kerri.

Kerri said...

Kate, he is SO adorable! He's very bright and always has something cool to say. Just last week he told me that "ignee rocks come from volcanoes". :o)

Jayleigh, I am extremely lucky! He makes me smile everyday.