Wednesday, August 25, 2004

School Starts Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow's the big day. School starts and I'm not so sure we're ready. Schedules are crazy, rooms aren't ready because of inservices, things just don't feel right. I thought it was just me, but even the classroom teachers were feeling a little overwhelmed today. I don't think it was such a good idea to start the kids on a Thursday when the teachers just started on Monday. What normally happens is the teachers have 2 or 3 days of inservice and get the remainder of the week to set up their rooms and prepare for their students. This year, those preparation days are actually the first days for the students so things are really hectic.

I think I have what will be my final schedule. I will be doing so many different things this year. Rather than concentrating on the computer lab, I have only 2 classes a day. Then I spend some time in the science lab. After my lunch break, it's back to the science lab before spending the last hour of the school day in the library. Once the school day ends, I will tutor students in math. So, my days will be busy. I'm still feeling overwhelmed but I am hoping that after a few days I'll get used to it and start to really enjoy my new duties.

My husband and I went for a drive tonight. We stopped at the beach and watched the fish jumping in the bay. They were small, but there were a lot of them. The beach is one of my favorite places to be. I love to hear the water hit the shore. It has such a calming effect on me. Watching the sun set and listening to the water is a great way to end the day. I own beach front property and I'm anxious for the day we can build a home there.

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