Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Tuesday Tidbits

Today for the first time since Thursday, our dinner will consist of something other than turkey. Michael bought a huge turkey this year. We like to have leftovers but he forgot that we wouldn't have the girls this year so we had tons left over. It's amazing how creative one can get when its needed. I've never had turkey so many different ways before.

I'm sleepy today. I couldn't sleep lastnight for some reason. Wasn't thinking about anything in particular, just restless. I didn't want to be lying down but new I couldn't get up if I was going to function today. This part of my morning is always slow so its easy to start to drag. If I were a coffee drinker, I'd need a cup or two right now.

Speaking of coffee, Aimee, if you read this, I found out that Starbucks coffee is sold at Safeway in Town :o) The sign caught my eye while I was over there waiting for Michael to come back a couple weeks ago and I thought of you.

Lucione came to do her homework at my house yesterday. She said her band teacher told her she should look into private lessons. I asked her why and she said, "Because I'm so good, just like you." She doesn't know it, but I'm giving her a brand new trumpet of her own for Christmas. They're not cheap, but she loves playing and was embarrassed that the one she had to use last year had a piece of gum where the spit valve should have been. The school got new instruments over the summer, but I still wanted her to have one of her own. I love to spoil "my girls".

I don't really spoil them, though. When they stay with me they have chores, and I find little ways for them to "earn" what they get from me. But every once in a while, like at Christmast, I like to splurge a little.

Lindsey is getting a game. One of those grabber things. You know...like the ones you see in arcades. Where you put money in and you have a certain amount of time to move the claw around and try to pick up a prize. I found a miniature version of it. We have one in the mini mart here and she could stand there for hours if we'd let her. She's gotten pretty good at it, too. So now she'll have one at home and it will drive her dad nuts. That makes it even better! It's got music and sound effects. haha!

Those are just the gifts I'll put under "their" tree. Who knows what they'll end up with under mine! ;o)

We've already got presents under our tree. Michael is home all day so I couldn't take a chance and leave his gift unwrapped. He likes to reorganize things when he gets bored so he would have stumbled across it for sure. I wrapped them and put them under the tree and so he returned the favor. Let the games begin!

I've got science in a few minutes so I'm going to go and prepare. If I don't start moving I'm liable to fall asleep here at my desk and that would not be good.

Grrr! This didn't post when it was supposed to! Hope it doesn't show up twice, now.


Jenny said...

You're probably so sleepy today because of an overload of that enzyme in turkey!!!!

Kerri said...

A Tryptophan overdose! You just may be on to something, Jayleigh. ;o)

Jenny said...

Yeah, THAT. Actually, it's embarassing but I knew the word, just not how to spell it. ;-)

The kids here had a snow day today. Mindy and I rejoiced because now it's so sunny and we went shopping at Wal-Mart and had lunch at a restaurant in town and are just enjoying the heck out of today!