Monday, June 20, 2005

Seriously Lacking

My blog seems to be lacking content lately. I just haven't had time to sit and write a decent post. I'm not doing anything all that exciting. Just trying to spend as much time with Michael as I can before he gets "the call" and is off to who-knows-where for his first 3 weeks away from home.

He's been busy replacing our front porch. It was in dire need of replacement and now that it looks like he'll be heading out any day now, he finally decided to get it done.

The weather was quite pleasant today. Yesterday, too, with a light drizzle most of the day. Much better than the 80+ degrees we had on Friday and Saturday. I'm hoping it stays like this because Michael's next project is to replace the front door. He's going to have to replace the entire door, frame and all, so hopefully the weather will cooperate.

Michael's birthday is on the 3rd of July. I don't know that he'll be here so I think I need to plan an early celebration. He won't care if he has one or not, but I'll be in big trouble from his mother and sisters if I don't do something. It's sort of ironic, really, since as a child he never had a birthday party. Being the day before the 4th of July, he was usually forgotten in all the excitement of the town's celebrations.

Nothing else comes to mind so I guess I'll close for now. If I remember, I'll bring the camera in so I can post some photos. Not of me, just scenery type photos.


Fizzy said...

hey leave bloggin until you are on your own. I would. Then we will kep you company until he returns.

My Hubby is also very good around the house, he has just(in the new year) built me a new kitchen - I love it.

Jenny said...

I say spend every waking moment with that hubby of yours... because it will be a long 3 weeks apart every time.


I think perhaps you are so used to having cute kid sayings and happenings to write about that when it comes down to you writing about YOU, it's a hard thing to do... because you're not self-centered in the least.

Lois Lane said...

At the craziest time of year, your are going to be hard on yourself? Hmmm... funny but, I wrote the same about me today. Great minds! Even though, I really haven't seen anything here that isn't wonderful! I mean it! Funny that we feel the need to say sorry for not posting every stinking day about something extra stinking wonderful. LOL!
I think you're great all the time!
Lois Lane

Lois Lane said...

Talk about great minds!!! I was leaving you a comment when you were leaving me one! And I say ditto to you!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

I enjoy all that you post,keep it up.:-)