Monday, June 06, 2005


Why did I choose TODAY to make a salmon casserole? The house was stuffy enough with the warm temperature outside and the lack of a cooling breeze. Why did I think it would be a good day to use the oven?

Don't answer that. I already know. I've been craving the casserole and bought the ingredients yesterday. That pretty much meant I had to do it today or I'd end up having to toss the ingredients. Even waiting until tomorrow would have been too late because Michael's leaving town on Wednesday. I always make too much and if he's not going to be here to eat the left-overs, it's a waste of time and money to make it.

He's got this job...with a big corporation. He's been with them for about a month now and they just realized that they don't have a physical on file for him. He went to the clinic about a week and a half ago but they won't accept the doctors note, for lack of a better term. They said they'd rather choose the doctor, so rather than accept this piece of paper that says he's healthy, they're going to find someone else to administer the exam. Fine. It's their money...getting it done here was free.

We thought they'd send him to town. We thought wrong. He received a fax on Friday with his itinerary. They're sending him to Anchorage on Wednesday...via Seattle. Crazy! It takes an entire day to get to Anchorage when you go to Seattle first so that day is pretty much a waste. He must have an afternoon appointment because they don't have him leaving Anchorage until almost 7PM Thursday evening. That means he won't get into Town until well after 9PM so he'll have to overnight there before he can come home on Friday. 2 nights, 2 hotels, all for a doctor's visit. A visit that will more than likely tell them what the doctor here already tried to.

But, I guess that's a corporation for you. They have to do things their way even if it inconveniences everyone and costs them thousands of dollars. I say thousandS, plural, because they're sending my cousin with him. Travel alone is over $1,100 just for one of them. That's not counting hotels and doctor's fees. They could have paid $23.00 a piece to get them to town on the ferry and have it over and done with in one day. Sheesh!


Lois Lane said...

That is insane!
So how was the casserole?
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Isn't it, though? Wait...are you talking about the travel expenses or me cooking a casserole on a hot day? :op

The casserole was so yummy it made the stuffy kitchen worth it. hehe

Kerri said...

We did enjoy it...very much. :o)

Thanks! I kinda like it too!

Tee/Tracy said...

Wow - that is crazy. Look at the money the Western World just throws into the toliet and there are starving people out there.

Well, it can't be helped. Tell him to enjoy the flight. I like to travel so I'd make the best of it.

Fizzy said...

WOW that seems alot of money to fork out for a medical. What sort of job does he do? is it a physical one?

I love hearing aobut your island life, how big is the island? do you have to go to the mainland for everything?

Sandy said...

And the corporations wonder where all the money goes and how can they cut they let people go, when really, they should find out these things are big drains and they can do it more efficiently other ways.
Glad your casserole turned out great!! I just made one for a potluck on Sunday, and didn't have any cream of chicken, didn't want to run to the store, so I put in a can of Marie Callenders Chicken Pot Pie soup and it came out super yummy!!

Kerri said...

Tee, I totally agree with you. But if he ends up working away from home this winter, that same corporation is willing to fly him home or me to him every 3 weeks...I won't be complaining about their travel expenses then, now will I?

Fizzy, it is a lot...especially since he's already seen a doctor. The corporation he's working for does environmental clean up. Sometimes he's driving a dump truck, sometimes he's down in the ditches. It just depends on what needs to be done at any given time. So I can see why they want to be certain he's fit but he's already been told he is so this trip just seems useless to me.

I know,'s so bizarre. But we're happy he's working for somebody and that it will last through the winter.

Jenny said...

Kerri, the casserole sounds fabulous!

Too bad the corporation with the money-wasting tendancies isn't flying you along with Michael. You could make an awesome time out of it all! LOL

I had the huge desire today to bake chocolate chip cookies. I didn't, because it was nearly 90 degrees and we finally got the house cooled off with the A/C.

Have a wonderful evening. hugs