Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Disney Celebration!

The concert on Thursday night was great. The kids all had a blast, the turn-out was great, and I'm still singing the songs I heard that night.

Meet the Mouseketeers. The Kindergarten class started the program. They were so adorable singing their hearts out and dancing around with their home-made pom poms. They sang The Mickey Mouse Club March and Be My Guest.

Next up was 1st grade. They sang Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, Candle on the Water, and Outstanding Citizen.

Craig and the other 1st graders sign "Candle on the Water".

Second grade sang The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers and Whistle While You Work. That was especially cute because they're still learning how to whistle! :o)

My nephew Josh (in the tie) sings The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers.

Third grade sang It's a Small World and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

James and his class also sang about their everyday heroes.

Half of the 20 dwarfs singing Heigh Ho. Just after this photo, they started dancing the Macarena. I wonder, with them being 4th graders, if they remember when the Macarena was popular?

5th grade didn't sing Disney songs...but they had fun nonetheless.

The Rappin' Disney Dudes rap their way through the 50 states and capitals. That's Lindsey with Texas.

The 6th grade Musical Bears sang The Bear Necessities. They also sang Under the Sea and played a song called Trashed by the Bears using instruments they crafted themselves.

The night ended with the entire school singing When You Wish Upon a Star and then a reprise of The Mickey Mouse Club March.

This, believe it or not, is the entire elementary school from Kindergarten through 6th grade. Fun was had by all and the audience really enjoyed the show.


Friday I had to go to town for a follow-up with my eye doctor. He was impressed because, although I have a slight stigmatism in my right eye, I'm still able to see 20/20 using my right eye alone and using both eyes, I see better than 20/20.

We had a couple extra hours over there so we were able to just cruise around and pass the time and enjoy each others' company. Michael was supposed to work but something came up at the last minute so he actually gets a 3 day weekend, maybe longer.

Lindsey had to come over today to do some research for a project she has due on Monday. Lucione is spending the night tonight. She's still awake watching Gypsy but I'm beat. I hope you all are having a pleasant weekend.


Kate said...

Too cute!!

Fizzy said...

lovely piccys. It sounds like you had a lovely evening (if not a very exhausting evening)

Jenny said...

I so love Disney songs. What a treat it must be every Spring to have the entire concert of Disney stuff! ;-)

I hope your weekend went great and that you're relaxed and raring to go!


Lois Lane said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing them. I love school assemblies!
Lois Lane

Sandy said...

Wow! That sounded like a really great night! Sometimes I like kid productions better than the "real" ones because it's SO cute and you never know what's gonna happen!

Kerri said...

Kate, it was cute. Congratulations on your college graduation, sweetie!

Fizzy, I enjoyed every second of it (the sore rear-end I got from the bleachers, not so much)!

Jayleigh, I had a great weekend, thanks. :o)

Akeskileut, it was so cute! Not just because I had nephews and nieces in there, either.

Lois, np...I love them, too...especially now that I can just watch them and not be in them. hehe

Sandy, I totally agree with you. Kids are unpredictable and that's what makes them fun!