Thursday, May 12, 2005

Spring Concert is Tonight

The kids were SO excited today! It was hard to keep their attention all morning and they spent all afternoon in dress rehearsal. Even James, the one who does not like being in front of people cannot wait for it to happen.

I'm looking forward to it, too. It's got tons of Disney music in it, I love watching the kids perform, and it will take my mind off of everything else. Even if only for a few hours.


Jenny said...

I hope it went well for you. How odd it's so close to school being out... this means we've been friends for a whole school-year! hehe

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Your understanding means a lot to me!


Lois Lane said...

Did you take a bunch of pictures? Was it everything you hoped for? Was it in fact a small world after all? LOL! I hope you had a blast!

Lois Lane

Sandy said...

Well, how'd it go?