Friday, May 20, 2005

Head Start Graduation

On Wednesday, the little 4 and 5 year old children graduated from Head Start. That's a very big occasion here. The town hall gets decorated from top to bottom, the turn-out is always huge, and the little graduates get more gifts than their past 2 Christmases and birthdays combined.

Before they marched in "for real" they came in and posed on the risers for photos.

My niece Mikayla, in the orange, is checking out the balloons.

Even with her cap on you can see all her pretty little curls!

As they were posing, Mikayla could be heard saying, "Cheeeeeeeeese!" She's quite the ham. She did NOT get that from me!

After photos, they went back to the kitchen and started their processional. They marched in to "We Got the Beat" but it was sung by kids. Too cute. If I shared photos of all my nieces and nephews, there'd be too many so I'll let Mikayla be the star. :o)

She looks so nervous! I'd be too, though. The town hall was PACKED.

The ceremony was short and sweet and now I've got to prepare myself for their entry into the "Big School". I'm excited.


Jenny said...

AAwwwwwwww!!!!!! How adorable! I think it's terribly sweet that your town makes such a fuss over these sweet little darlings. They get to be the "big kids" for a short time.

Do they get to choose their favorite color for their cap and gown?

So, so cute!!!

Kerri said...

Yes, Jayleigh, they each pick their own color. Mikayla is always dressed in purple or pink. She surprised us all by choosing the brightest orange she could find!

Tee/Tracy said...

How cool is that?? I bet all of them were really excited.

She has such cute hair!

Kerri said...

Tee, I wish I could know what was going through their heads through it all. I don't have any memories to compare to it because I skipped Head Start.

She's got the best hair! So curly and soft.

Fizzy said...

What lovely traditions you have at school. Those kiddies look so cute. ALL those curls :)