Sunday, May 22, 2005

One Year, Already?!?

Wow,I mentioned to Ahka not too long ago how I had been blogging for "almost a year". Tonight I was bored so started looking through my archives. I was so surprised to find out that the one year mark has already passed! It's been over a week! My goodness, how time has flown by.

I must say that it's been an adventurous year. It's had it's ups and downs but I must say that looking back at it now, it was a good year.

Thanks to those who have stuck around, and welcome to those of you who are new! I've enjoyed every bit of it and learned a lot about myself in the process.


Fizzy said...

Hey you have a
happy first blogday

Hehehe have you broken up for the summer holidays now? our schools don;t break up until the second week in July and return on the 5th September !!

Kerri said...

Thank you, very much! :o)

3 and a half more days, Fizzy...then we go back mid to late August.

Kate said...

Hehehe... too cute. In August it will be a year and a half for me... crazy. :-D