Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Weekend

Friday evening Michael decided we were going to go to Town. We left Saturday morning and I thought we were going to return that same day but we ended up getting a hotel room and spending a night over there.

We did way more shopping than we should have, but we don't treat ourselves too often, so I think it will be okay.

We saw Sahara. It was a pretty good movie. I enjoyed it. We spent a lot of time in the car. It was up in the 70's all weekend and we found it hard to give up the air conditioner unless we absolutely had to. haha

We got back just after 4PM today. We unloaded everything and were about to start cooking a steak dinner when the phone rang. It was Michael's oldest sister asking if we were going to come to dinner. We didn't know there was a dinner, but I told her we'd be right over.

We got his mom an electric tea kettle and two shirts. She loved her gifts. She's always drinking tea but rather than following our suggestion and running water through her Bunn coffee maker, she heats her water on the stove and always forgets about it. She could start off with a full kettle and it will be half full by the time she remembers to pour water for tea. With this electric kettle, that won't be a problem. It heats quickly and the danger of a hot stove is eliminated.

As a family, we bought her a tree. She had been admiring it at a plant sale the garden club had recently but didn't want to spend the money for it. It's a Red Dragon Lace Leaf Maple tree. It's a pretty little tree. I have no idea how big it's going to get. With her black thumb, it may already be as big as it's gonna get. haha

While at dinner, I found out that my Uncle David had a massive heart attack yesterday while he was on the beach gathering seaweed. I wasn't extremely close to him, but it's still sad to lose a family member. The story of how he died is sad and I feel guilty for not making more of an effort to be close to him. I said hello and gave him a hug whenever I saw him, but now that doesn't feel like enough. *sigh*

This coming week is going to be busy. On Monday, a special guest is going to be speaking to the community. Tuesday evening is the night of the elementary school's Disney Celebration (their Spring concert consists of nothing but Disney music). On Wednesday it's the middle and high schools' turn.

Just thinking about all that is coming up is making me tired. I'm going to go lie down. :o)


Jenny said...

Kerri dear, I am sorry about your uncle. *hugs*

Fizzy said...

Sorry about your Uncle.
School concerts arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
When I am on teaching practice , my son gets picked up by loads of friends and family who help me out. Occasionally they are late (or forget) the school never complain - i have a good realtionship with them. But then when it comes to the summer concert I make the costumes it is a sort of unwritten agreement.

Tee/Tracy said...

Sorry about your uncle. I feel that way when someone in my family dies too, even if it's a very distant relative.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend out.

Kerri said...

Thanks, Jayleigh. *hugs*

Fizzy, because of my uncle's death, the concert has been postponed a couple days. It's now on Thursday because the memorial service is tonight. How many costumes do you make?

Tee, thank you...and yes, I had a very nice weekend. :o)

Sandy said...

Sorry about your uncle...

Can you explain to me what you mean to Town, like how you have to catch a ferry, are you on an island?? I didn't know there were in Alaska. Pretty ignorant like that.
Aloha! San

Sandy said...

Sorry about your uncle...

Can you explain to me what you mean to Town, like how you have to catch a ferry, are you on an island?? I didn't know there were in Alaska. Pretty ignorant like that.
Aloha! San

Kerri said...

Sandy, Alaska has two island chains. One in the southeastern part of the state that is called the Alaska Panhandle and extends south toward Canada and Washington state. One is the Aleutian Chain that is in the southwestern part of the state and extends west.

I'm at the bottom of the panhandle and when I say I took a ferry to Town, it means I traveled via ferry to the island directly north of us.