Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Please Excuse my Absence

I have been busy with family the past few days and will continue to be until tomorrow evening. The death of my uncle was unexpected and took everyone by surprise. I tried to come home for a break last night and then my nephew's car caught fire so I had to run right back out the door to make sure he was okay. The drama never seems to end.

I think it's always like that in a small town. Every single event, happy or sad, affects everyone in one way or another. Our population hasn't even hit 2,000 yet so we all notice the effects of every death, birth, wedding, illness, achievement, etc.

That's part of why I love it here. No matter what happens, you always have support. We pull together as a community and surround those in need until they are able to stand on their own once again. The achievements of each individual are celebrated by the entire community just as we mourn each loss.

That being said, I need to get moving. The memorial service is tonight and I've got to get ready.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You don't need to apologize for your absence! We understand that sometimes you need to live your life before you can write about it.

Take care!