Monday, May 16, 2005

Stupid Thoughts

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Have you ever had one of those nights where your mind would Just. Not. Stop?

That was me last night. I had so many thoughts about so many different things rushing through my head. School is ended in a few days, we may be making a major life decision within the next month or so, I've got family in every single graduation this year...from Head Start to college, I need to go grocery shopping but don't get paid until the end of next week...and on and on and on.

I'm not really complaining about it. I don't really feel stressed at the moment, believe it or not. Why my mind was so busy last night, I don't know. I hope I can get some sleep tonight. Peaceful, restful sleep.


Lois Lane said...

I wish you a calm relaxing day! I hate when the mind goes on for hours nonstop!
Lois Lane

Sandy said...

Oh gosh girl, my post was gonna be about my thoughts that run rampant at night and I can't sleep! You got me beat! Hope you got some rest last night.

Fizzy said...

Thank you for proving that it did work and that I had not done anything wrong.

Is your school breaking up for the summer?? we don't finish until the middle of July returning 5th sept. (I of course finish on Friday because I am not qualified yet.)

Kerri said...

Thanks, day wasn't half bad! :o)

Sandy, I did get some much so that I didn't want to get up this morning! haha

Don't mention it, Fizzy. I hated that people were saying "I hope you fix it soon" and blah, blah, blah. I heard it just fine so the problem's with them, not you! ;o)

School lets out on May 26th at 12:00 and won't resume again until late August. Your schools don't get much of a break, do they? I have a friend in New Zealand who's girls only get a 6 week break during Christmas. I couldn't handle that, I don't think.

Tee/Tracy said...

I've totally had those nights! Lately I've been sleeping so deeply but dreaming ALLL night. Really vivid dreams about people from my past. It makes me wake up depressed. I don't know what's worse! :p

Kerri said...

I don't know, either, Tee. Or how 'bout the dreams that are more like action movies so you wake up with your muscles all tense feeling like you didn't sleep a wink!