Thursday, May 26, 2005

No More Pencils, No More Books

Today was the last day of the school year. We celebrated by having all the kids write 10 page essays about everything they learned and if they didn't finish by Noon, they had to stay after school and didn't get their free hamburger.

Just kidding. We had Field Day today. Everyone spent the day outside having fun and being active. There were no prizes because "Everyone's a Winner on Field Day". The kids moved from station to station so that they all had a chance to do all of the activities. The weather was beautiful and the mosquitos were plentiful. I kept moving to keep from being bitten but they like to follow you around, darn bugs.

This was a water relay where two teams raced to fill a tub about 10 yrds away. That's Craig getting his water. His team seemed so far ahead and they ended up dead even when the water was measured. Just the way a Field Day should go, IMHO.

This was an obstacle course. Lindsey spotted me, smiled at the camera, and then quit the race. She couldn't figure out how to pedal without bumping her knees on the handlebars. At least she "looks" like she's having fun.

The Long Jump was a favorite of the kids. I'm sure this sand pit will get a lot of use this summer now that the kids know what it's for. Someone had better add more sand, though.

The last boy was in 6th grade. This is my nephew Kindergarten. I think he's got a future in Track & Field. What do you think?

This game was the prinicpal's idea. He had them twirl around with their heads on their bats 10 times...then they had to run all the bases before their classmates tagged them out. This is 3rd grade and that's my niece Marilyn in the purple.

This game was called The Fox and The Hound. See the yellow and red flags? Those are fox tails. If you were a fox, you had to stay away from the hounds who were out to get your tail. Once your tails were removed, you had to sit down.

The 3rd grade couldn't seem to go straight during their 3-Legged Race and kept running into each other. That's James in the camoflauge shorts. I wish you could have heard them practicing. "1-2-1-2-1-2" They thought if they counted faster, they'd move faster. hehe Too cute!

As you can see from the wet ground, Kindergarten was not very successful at the Water Balloon Toss. They had fun, though, and if you'll look closely, their teacher had them all looking like little football players with black under their eyes.

After the games were over, the school board treated them all to a hamburger, chips, ice cream, and juice. Some ate in the gym, some outside. At Noon, the bell went crazy, the kids went crazy, and I high-tailed it out of there. :o)


Kate said...

I was going to say... 10 pages?! :-)

But I guess I'll just say, looks like fun... and yeah that boy sure does look like he has a future in track and field. :-)

Sandy said...

Wow, if only we could be kids again and play so hard and have so much FUN!

Lois Lane said...

That was a wonderful way to finish off the school year! Only thing missing from your post, you rining one of those tricycles. ;)
Happy summer guuuuurl!
Lois Lane

Aimee said...

Girlfriend, you're related to everyone on that island, aren't you? ;)

The graduations and the field day look like a blast--I'm glad you guys had a good time.

Any special summer plans? Coming down to California by chance (hint, hint)?


Kerri said...

Kate, you don't think I'm mean enough to assign essays on the last day, do you? ;o) We had a blast. It was a nice warm day, not unbearably hot, so that was good.

Sandy, when I was a kid, I didn't really like Field Day...hehe...for me it's more fun to watch than participate.

Lois, the whole reason I volunteered to take pictures was to keep the camera off of me! haha

Akeskileut, the kids had a blast. Thanks, I'm looking forward to it. :o)

Aimee, Michael and I joke that I'm related to one half of the island and he's related to the other half! As far as Summer plans...California plans...nothing defnite yet but rest assured if it happens, you'll be the first to know! Besides my mother, anyway. ;o)