Saturday, April 09, 2005

Crazy Weather

We had just about every kind of weather possible today. Sunshine, wind and rain, hail, wet snow, back to sun, more rain. Being without a vehicle made it difficult to get things done today. I had to make quick, mad dashes whenever it looked as if I could get somewhere and back without getting drenched or slammed with hail. It's days like this I'm so glad to live in a small town. Everything is about 5 mintues away.

I had to keep remining myself that today was actually Saturday and not Sunday. I still have all of next week to look forward to. After that, it's just one short month till Summer Break.

I skipped out on dinner with the family today. I know I have to face Sue soon enough. I just wasn't up to doing it alone. Tomorrow night we've been invited to share dessert with her. That I can's not until 7PM and we could use Michael's job as an excuse to cut out early. He starts at 6AM so it stands to reason he'll need to get to sleep early, right?

He has tomorrow off, though, so we're going to take a drive and watch some movies tonight. He'd been laid off so long, now that he's back at work, I miss him. He's working 12 hours a day. And with me home on Spring Break, that feels like a really long time.


Jenny said...

I've always hated being alone when my hubby's at work all day long. But ya get lots of things done that way.

Unfortunately, as for my blog, I wonder if something "serious" has happened. I cannot get it to load either. If I go to a post that I know the link, it will load. All of my archives are there, just not the current page.

I suppose I should contact blogger. I was going to ask today if you'd try to load it but since you already have, I don't know just what should be done.

Take care today, and bless you. You'll be fine tonight because there are lots of prayers coming your way.


Jenny said...

Looks like I got it to work. I posted and did a "Republish Entire Blog" and I guess it cleared out the glitch.

**hugs** I know you will be OK today!!!!