Friday, April 08, 2005

First Day of Spring Break

Today has been a totally wasted day. I've just been lazing around the house. Haven't accomplished a thing.

The weather outside is beautiful. It's definitely springy out there. I may go for a walk soon...but I have to find the energy first. ha!

My husband started a job yesterday. Yay! He said the Dutch Harbor thing is still not out of the question, I guess we'll see. He's supposed to be hearing from them by the 14th.

The widow of my husband's brother Merle has come to visit. She wants to see the head stone placed on the grave. She arrived yesterday but I haven't seen her yet. I'm actually dreading it. I lost respect for her after the funeral. She and her two kids were on a boat with Merle's only natural child. The conversation almost immediately went to insurance. How much was there, who gets a share, how big of a share. Sue, the widow, decided that since she was the recipient of the money she would split between herself and her two kids. What? What about Merle's son? When he tried to speak up, Sue's daughter said, "Why should we have to give up any money for you?" They were definitely showing their true colors. This after telling the rest of the family that Merle loved her kids like his own and she loved his son as her own. How much did she give this other "son" of hers? $1500.00! That's appalling. Merle's son has asked the family not to get involved. He said he doesn't want things to be about money. He's trying to keep the peace for his dad's sake. That doesn't mean I have to pretend to like her. Maybe someday, but I just can't face her. I'm afraid I might tell her what I think and that would be bad.


Jenny said...

Oh what an ugly situation. For your sake and for the son's, I hope some of the tension eases soon.

Aimee said...

Hey Kerri! I'm finally all caught up with your archives. I can't believe I missed so much important stuff--you should have emailed me about your dad. Not like I could have done anything, but you know... I dunno...

Anyway, it sounds like Merle's son has a good head on his shoulders. That's such a sad, mean situation, but what a graceful way to deal with it. Though I agree with you--I'd have a VERY hard time not saying something biting and nasty to that woman! Evil person...

I'm glad things are well for you, Hon. I've missed you. :)

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, I don't know how much tension there is with the rest of the family because I've been doing all I can to avoid her at all cost. With Michael's new job, he hasn't had time and I just pretend to be busy. Tomorrow night, though, we'll go and have dessert with her and the rest of the family and I'll chew slowly so I won't be tempted to speak. I really don't want to see her.

Aimee, I thought about sending you an e-mail so many times just to say hello and see how you were doing. But I kept holding back because I knew I'd start talking and you had enough to deal with in your own life. I knew when the time was right for you, you'd come back. :o)

Kerri said...

btw, Jayleigh...I've tried to load your blog about 3 times today and the page loads up it me, or blogger?