Saturday, April 30, 2005

Wholly, Socks!

My nephew James had a birthday party today. He turned 9 on Tuesday but his mom was on call this week so had to wait until the weekend to have a party.

Talk about a nuthouse! The kids were soooo crazy. 4:00 couldn't come fast enough for me. Normally I enjoy being around kids. But there was one particular boy who was especially wound up today. He was non-stop. The others fed off of his energy and it was not pretty.

James had fun, though, and I suppose that's what matters most. He got some cool toys and a wad of money. I have him a couple of mini Transformer toys and a pack of Yugioh cards. After the party, most of the guests went to the swimming pool for a pool party. I had had enough by that point and came home as quick as I could.


Lindsey is spending the night with me tonight. I couldn't get her off my computer so I tricked her. I showed her my new movie...Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events. She immediately wanted to watch it and signed off the computer. Hehehe, sneaky but it worked!


I'm still trying to get used to wearing contacts. They don't bother me or anything. I just keep trying to adjust a pair of glasses that are no longer there. I nearly poked my eye out yesterday and caused Lucione to laugh for a good 5 minutes. This is not my first pair of contacts but it has been about 2 years since I've worn them.


I can't believe tomorrow is the 1st of May. That means I only have 26 calendar days until summer vacation. 19 school days. It seems like I was just complaining about having to work in The Pit and now here I am less than 4 weeks away from the end.


This year I have a niece graduating from Head Start, another niece being promoted from the 8th grade, a newphew graduating from high school, and another niece graduating from college. Graduation week is going to be quite busy for our family. Head Start has their ceremony on Thursday, high school on Friday, and 8th grade is usually on Saturday or the following Monday.


I'm going to go and watch the movie with Lindsey. I hope you all are having a good weekend.


Sandy said...

That boy that got everyone wound up, that would be my boy, Noa.
Sounds like you had a very tiring day! So, did you stay in town the other day or go home??

Kerri said...

Sandy, that boy normally has his silly moments in school but I've never seen him this hyper. I think the sugar got to him or something. Crazy!

I came home. I thought about staying over there but I'll save that for a time when my husband can enjoy it with me. Besides, if I had stayed, I would have missed James' party.

Aimee said...

Ok, first of all, I LOVE your new gravatar! :) So cute!

I'm glad you were able to go to the party, but I do know what you mean about just being finished.... After 5-1/2 hours at the SF Zoo, I was reeeeaaallly ready to leave behind all those *other people's* children!

And I know what you mean about summer! Didn't I just get my surgery scheduled and that was 2 months away? How can it already be May if it was *just* December like a week ago?!

Kerri said...

Heehee! Thanks, Aimee...that's me at 2 years old. :o)

That party was just crazy...I'm glad the boy who drove me nuts isn't at all our family gatherings. haha

Time is flying by way too fast. I sometimes feel like I can't keep up.