Thursday, April 21, 2005

Kid Stories

I was in the library after school helping some kids with their homework. The daughter of one of my friends said that they were having some people over for dinner. I asked her if she was going to cook. She said her mom would do the cooking because she didn't know how to cook anything but cakes.

Another little boy sitting at the table said, "You know what, Ms. Kerri? If I were the last one on Earth who knew how to cook, you guys would get so tired of fried egg sandwiches!"


When the kids finish up early in Science they get the chance to read a book, play with lego blocks, or draw in the art center. Every single time Craig gets free time he chooses to read and it's always the same book. I have never paid attention to the title, but I know it's about space exploration.

Yesterday he walked into the science lab and said, "Ms. Horace (her name is not Ms. Horace, but that's how he pronounces her name) my mom said she'd find my favorite book on the internet so I'm going to need you to write down the illustrator and author for me."

It turned out that there were actually 2 copies of the book so she chose one, crossed out her name and wrote his. His eyes lit up and he grinned from ear to ear. I think she made his day. Maybe even his week. :o)


The last time we had a family dinner that I actually attended, Craig and his family were there. He has a younger sister Mikayla who is not a huge meat eater. She'll eat meat once in a while, but more often than not, she'll choose vegetables over meat when given the choice. In fact, I've seen them both sit down to dinner with equal portions of the same foods on their plates. Craig would eat the meat, Mikayla the vegetables and then they'd trade plates and eat what their sibling left behind. On this particular occasion, they got to choose what they wanted to eat. When Craig saw his sisters plate full of nothing but vegetables, he said, "Oh, Mikayla, you're such a vegetarian."

Mikayla started crying her little eyes out and ran to her mother. "Mom! Craig called me a vegetarian!" I have no idea what she thinks that word means.

Mikayla at her Head Start Christmas program. 


Jenny said...

I love your Craig stories!! Frankly I love hearing about all the kids' sayings... they can be so funny.

Mikayla is gorgeous!

Have a great weekend!

Lois Lane said...

Aww, kids really do say the darnedest things! Great stories!
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, you should see where when her hair isn't up...wild curls everywhere! I love her hair.

Lois, that's exactly why I love my job.