Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Little Bits

Jocko's dad is in a hospital in Seattle. They removed the dead skin from both his arms today. His body responded well so on Friday they'll operate again and get most of the other burned skin. He's in critical but stable condition.

The fire apparently started in Jocko's bedroom. They're not saying how.


Today was a long, boring day at work because of the testing. My morning was the longest because I didn't have any classes at all. Tomorrow, though, will be extremely busy. Two of my classes are not testing so they'll be in computers. Since we don't have school on Friday, I rescheduled 2 of my Friday computer classes to Thursday. So rather than 2 morning classes, I'll have 4. Normally, I have 3. I'll be ready for Spring Break by the time that 2:45 bell rings.


I had Craig's class in library the other day. One of his classmates was trying to find a book in the non-fiction section. I encouraged him to go to the Easy Reader section to get a book at his reading level.

Craig heard me and said, "Yeah, these are Hard Readers and they're for 6th grade. Maybe 5th grade, right, Aunty Kerri?"

"Yes, Craig, that's correct," I lied. We usually let them start getting books from that part of the library in 2nd grade.

"You know what, Aunty Kerri? In 10th grade, they have really hard readers. 11th grade readers are very hard and 12th grade readers are even harder than that!"

I LOVE the way that kids mind works!


Today was a nice spring day. The skies were blue almost the entire day and the wind has calmed down quite a bit. The temperature was about 49 but nobody complained. It was nice to see the blue skies.


When we return from Spring Break, there will be one month left before graduation. The week after that we'll be off for the summer. I can't believe how fast this school year went by.


By next week, we should know if Michael's going to leave for Dutch Harbor or not. I have mixed feelings about that. I kinda want him to go because it would be a good experience for him and it's been a long time since he's worked. At the same time, I want him to stay because it's almost construction season and he'll be back at work again. I feel like a yo-yo. Just when I think I've decided how I feel, I get yanked back and have to start all over.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Kerri, isn't a yo-yo about the worst feeling to have sometimes?

I hate it when I feel like that and it's not as though it's a life and death situation, but I can't stop thinking about it.


Lots of deep breaths.