Sunday, April 03, 2005


I have been having some pretty strange dreams lately. The past couple nights, my dreams are more like home movies. It's like I'm reliving the past. All the people who have passed on have been "visiting" me in my dreams. I'd remember something that happened years ago and then after seeing it all happen again, whoever it involved would somehow find their way into what appeared to be my present life. We'd sit and talk as if they were never gone.

Those dreams are comforting, in a way. But I've also had these dreams where disasters are happening. Things that I have no power to stop and they always end badly. I wake up in a cold sweat almost in tears and all tensed up.

Last night I had a different sort of problem. Rather than waking up from weird dreams, I couldn't get to sleep. I was awake until well after 3AM. I'm not sure if the exact time because I covered the clock. I tried everything I could think of and just could not get to sleep. Strange thing is, I don't feel tired today.

Hopefully, I'll be able to fall asleep at a halfway decent hour tonight and have a restfull nights sleep. This coming week at school is going to be chaotic. The kids are doing state testing and it's a short week because Spring Break starts on Friday and we'll be off until the 18th. The kids are going to be a mix of emotions which can drastically change their behavior. Oy.


Jenny said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Jocko. That's a tough situation anyway, made even more tragic by the circumstances.

As far as insomnia, the only thing that works for me is to not go to bed. ;-) If I cannot go to sleep, I don't go anywhere near my bedroom. I watch TV or play online or do whatever, and then just crash on the sofa.

I hope the kids are not insanely freakish this week. Hmm. Probably they will be though, huh?

Is it lovely and springlike in your neck of the woods? It's mud season here. But it's a good weekend because of the sunshine and my new doggy Kodiak gets along with my old doggy Tutanka.

I'll make you a scarf with leftover yarn from my green sweater if you can tell me where Tutanka's name came from.


Have a great afternoon!!!

Kerri said...

I thought about getting up, but Lindsey was spending the night and I didn't want to wake her.

Between the stress of the testing and the excitement of Spring Break, I think all hope is lost. heehee

It's lovely and spring-like inbetween snow showers.

Tutanka...hmmm...isn't that the word for "buffalo" from Dances With Wolves?

Jenny said...

Bingo! You're one of 3 people who know that besides Rob and me!!! ;-)