Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Imaginarium!

The Imaginarium! came to visit us again this year. Last year, they brought their reptiles. This year it was chemistry. Radical Reactions, to be exact. The assembly just ended. The kids had so much fun!

They asked for volunteers and for one of their reactions, they chose Craig! He was so cute and did an excellent job. His job was to pour acid onto sugar to cause a reaction. He poured it on and at first nothing happened.

"Did I put enough? I don't think this is going to work."

The gal assured him it would, she stirred it up a little bit with her "magic wand" and then the sugar started to change color. It eventually let off some smoke and turned all black.

Craig pulled off his goggles and gloves and headed back to his seat exclaiming, "I'm getting out of here!"

The assembly was scheduled for an hour but lasted closer to 30 minutes. It was memorable and fun for all who attended. Especially since their final Radical Reaction set off the smoke alarm!

I'm so glad they came. They did a wonderful presentation. :o)


Jenny said...

How cool! I always loved presentations like that when I was a kid.


Lois Lane said...

Did you guys have to have a fire drill and the whole nine yards too? I bet the kids thought that was pretty cool. Nothing like chemistry.
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, my post didn't even do it justice. The presenters were excellent, the kids were engaged but polite and attentive, and the reactions even surprised some of the teachers! But who doesn't get surprised when a huge flame comes out of a long tube?

Lois, we sure did. But since it was their last experiment (one they hadn't planned on doing and will most likely skip next time, haha) it was not a huge deal.

Fizzy said...

I like science like that. I got my shadows done yesterday ready for today's science lesson. (yesterday was lovely and sunny - today it rained again).

Did I tell you of the child who answered my question? the topic was ssun moon and earth. I asked this child (who will cause me to premetaurely grey), what do you call it when the moon goes between the sun and the earth? (or the other way round I can never remember) he replied "an apocolypse miss" arrrrrrrrrgh

(please ignore the sp and typos it is late and I am tierd)

Kerri said...

An apocolypse, miss! hehehehe Too cute.

Silly weather...never nice when we want it to be! *sigh*