Thursday, April 28, 2005

Did I Mention Today is my Friday?

And I'm SO glad it is! What a day I had today!

First, I didn't sleep well because I sent an e-mail to someone and was scared of the reaction. Silly me, stressing over nothing.

Then, I woke up at 4AM because the wind started blowing and I forgot to close a window. The blinds were rattling and it woke me up. Once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep so I knew I was in for a long day.

I was at work for less than an hour and Mrs. C comes running into my lab. "Kerri, that book you lent's yours, right?" I tell her it is and she says, "Mr. W* said he lost it and sent someone over to take it. I told them it's yours and they are going to the principal about it."

(*Mr. W and I don't get along. We actually don't even acknowledge each other's presence. I tried to at first, but he never reciprocated so I gave up. Then he punished both my girls and all hope was lost. Ha!)

So then I send an IM to SpaceCadet and tell her what Mrs. C told me. As we're talking I see the principal walk by. He has someone following him. I didn't know it at the time, but she was sent to claim my book. Next think I know, the principal comes in and says, "This is your book, right?" I nodded. "Well, I'm going to give it to Mr. W He needs it."

I explained that I brought it so that Mrs. C and the visiting artist could use it for the art projects they're doing for the upcoming spring concert. I asked if they were done with it. He said, (he never did ask if he could lend it to Mr. W) "They're all working together. No problem. I'll call Mr. W right now to tell him I found the book."

I'm glaring at him the entire time; too angry to speak. He walks out and Mrs. C comes running back in. "Kerri! I tried to stop him...he just came and took it! I wasn't even in the room. I caught him coming OUT of the room with the book in his hands! I told him that I was responsible for it and he wasn't taking it anywhere until he asked you first. Did he ask?"

I said, "Well, not exactly asked...he asked if it was mine. Then basically told me he was going to give it to Mr. W."

She was so upset. The book is a song book. A hard cover song book of Disney songs. Disney and two favorite things all together in one book with nice artwork and everything. It was a gift from my mom a few years ago. I told her not to worry. I said I'd get it back if I had to go knock on his door (he wasn't answering his phone).

Mrs. C left and I see the principal come back in. I'm still glaring at him. He says, "It's in Mr. W's hands now. He was in the middle of something so I didn't have a chance to tell him it was yours. You might want to grab him and let him know, if you see him."

"Oh, I will." I couldn't stop glaring at him. The whole time I'm sending IM's to SpaceCadet so now she's getting worried and stressed. I had to go to science class.

When I walked out of there, the principal was at his desk. He called to me and asked, "Does this book have sentimental value?" SpaceCadet was standing next to him and she just looked at me. Probably worried I was going to let him know what I was really thinking.

"Yes, it does. It was a gift from my mother."

"Okay, then I'll make sure you get it back. Remember to stop Mr. W if you see him."

I walked back to my lab and send off another IM. "Does it have sentimental value? If I said no would he have just given it to him? Never mind the fact that I didn't mean for it to be lent to him. Never mind the fact that I can't......Grrrrrrrrr!" I was irked. The whole situation just irked me. By then it was 11:00...Mr. W had had my book for 2 and a half hours and STILL was not answering his phone (his music classroom is in a separate building so I couldn't just go knock on his door even though I wanted to).

Finally, between 11:30 and 12:00 Mr. W walked into my lab holding the book. "Is this yours?" I said it was. "I lost one that looks just like it."

"I lent that to Mrs. C yesterday. I assure you, it's mine."

"Well, thanks" he said, as he placed it on my desk. He turned and walked out and I returned it to Mrs. C.

"What a relief to have this over with! That was stressful." She agreed and told me again how she tried to say no but the principal just took it anyway. I told her I didn't blame her, I could have been more assertive but I, too, was shocked at how things played out. I handed her the book and told her not to worry about all that had happened. She promised to "protect" it until they were done with it.

Around 12:30 I passed the principal in the hallway. I told him I got the book back and he stopped. He said, "You know, had I known that book had such sentimental value, I never would have gotten involved. But Mr. W called in a panic. He said he lost his red book with Disney songs in it and he desperately needed it back to make copies of a song. I saw that book in the art room and thought I'd see if it would work. I'm sorry you were so nervous about it but like I said, if I had known its value to you, I wouldn't have gotten involved. And you know what else? Maybe you should just leave valuables at home. Don't even bring them to school. That way things like this don't happen."

I said, "Okay" and walked away. What I really wanted to do was scream at him. HE TOOK MY BOOK without asking and lent it to someone else. Somehow all the resulting stress was my fault?! Excuse me, mr. principal, but I've known you for 3 years. Mrs. C has been in my life since I was 7 years old. I trust her and if you hadn't stuck your nose where it didn't belong all of this could have been avoided. Good grief!

I'm so glad that it's all over. I'm even more glad that I am not working tomorrow. I have an appointment with the eye doctor which means I get to take a ferry ride to Town in the morning. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to rush back to the ferry or spend a night. I'm kinda leaning at spending a night, especially after today. But I don't know that I want to be over there alone. Anyway, if I don't post tomorrow, you'll know I spent the night. :o)

Btw, Ahka and I were also sending IM's to each other and even though I didn't tell her what was going on, she managed to brighten my spirits and had me laughing before we said our goodbyes. The day got better quickly and has been good ever since. :o)


Jenny said...

OHMIGOSH!!!! That's gut wrenching!

I would have flipped out and given them all a piece of my mind. Oh GRRRRR!!!

I'd stay the night and chill out in town and go to Wal-Mart and a movie. Yep. That's what I'd do.

**hugs** Have a great day off tomorrow!

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, the whole situation was awful but I have my book back and all is well. Thank goodness!

The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards spending the night. Hmmm, wonder what's playing at the theater? :o)

Sandy said...

What a day!! Hope you enjoy your day off, even if it's to go to the doctor!

Lois Lane said...

Man that would have pissed me off! Maybe these guys need to go back to preschool so they can learn some manners.
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Sandy, after this morning, anything's an improvement. hehe

Lois, I WAS. I'm surprised I didn't chew through my tongue I bit it so often today. If I had spoken my mind, I would have been fired so fast. 4 more weeks...just 4 more weeks...

Kerri said...

I'm glad, too...that was way too stressful. hehe

I'm still kicking the idea around, but will probably come home.