Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I'm Drawing a Blank

I can't think of anything to write about. :o(


Kate said...

I know what you mean! :-)

Lois Lane said...

That won't last long dear lady. Writer's block is one of those silly mysteries that comes and goes like air.
Tell us a story about when you were little, like about the first friend you made, or the first day of school. What were you like as a child?
Lois Lane

Jenny said...

Kerri, dear. I so know what you mean about families who won't forget anything. I'm pretty tough skinned, but when my dad teasingly says something that I'd rather forget about, I seethe.

**hugs** because I know how you feel about not going to family things.

Kerri said...

Kate, I'm glad I'm not alone! :o)

Lois, thanks for the ideas. :o) I have tons of things in my head...just need to get them written down.

Jayleigh, it's tough for me to sit and listen to some of the things they say. Michael thinks I'm too sensitive. "They're just teasing!" But they're relentless, especially with me because I'm normally quiet and laid back. I've faked a headache many times to get out of dinners. Sad, but true.