Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm So Glad I Can Still Make Her Laugh

Lucione comes here everyday after school to do her homework. She's an excellent student. She had the highest GPA in her class last quarter...tied only with Alexys who was the highest in her grade.

Anyway, Lucione turned 13 almost 2 weeks ago. I worried that she'd drift away. Like becoming a teenager would change her overnight.

She hasn't changed and I'm thinkin she won't for a while and that makes me happy.

When she was little, she used to stick her shoulder blades out because I didn't like her to. She's barely got any meat on her bones anyway, but she has this way of making them stick out so far it looks like they're going to poke right through her skin. I used to pretend to get grossed out. She'd be sitting on my lap and the next thing I knew I was getting stabbed by a shoulder blade. "Ewww! Bones!" She'd laugh and after a few minutes we'd do it all over again.

Today I was in my bedroom relaxing. The TV was on but I wasn't really watching...just sorta half listening. She was drawing on my dry erase board and brought it in to show me what she had done.

She has this habit of whistling. When she's not whistling she's humming. She started whilstling Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head today. She tried to sing it but only knew the first line. I sang it to her and she cracked up.

She thought I was making up the words as I went along. (Yeah, right!) I couldn't convince her otherwise. She hummed and whistled while I sang.

Next thing I knew, she was tickling me so I tickled back. We wrestled around for a few minutes before she wore me out. She may be a "teenager" but she's still the same girl I've always known. I can still make her laugh and that feels good.


Kate said...

Awesome! ;-)

Jenny said...

I know how you feel! I love it when Min decides she is going to be "cool" for the day and we snuggle and tickle and talk and laugh.

Enjoy this time together.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your story, made me smile. I have a 14 yr.old girl. She still comes and lays with me on my bed and watch tv, my baby..hehe!!

Fizzy said...

Hiya Kerri,
thanks for the comments, I finally gotthe shadow thing done today (lesson should be tomorrow) Do you teach primary then?

Lois Lane said...

I do that with my shoulderblades too but to gross my kids out. Cute story, ya made me smile, again.
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Kate, it is awesome. Even though she still sticks out her shoulder blades!

Jayleigh, I never realize how much I really do enjoy it until it doesn't happen for a while. Hope you can enjoy Mindy soon.

Ahka, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :o) Give your baby a hug from me.

Fizzy, I work with Kindergarten through 6th grade (ages 5 to 12). Hope your lesson goes well!

Lois, I'm so glad I made you smile! :o)