Monday, November 01, 2004

Illegal Character?

So Blogger tech support tells me that my blog address has an illegal character in it. I guess I'm not supposed to use an underscore. If that's the case...why have they let me use it for the past 5 to 6 months? Why can I view my blog from work and not from home? GRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I guess if I have to, I'll just remove the underscore...what a pain. Okay, so I'm only on 3 blogrolls...but that's beside the point. My point is, if an underscore is an illegal character then they should not have allowed me to use it in the first place.


Jenny said...

I can view it just fine, and NO, they shouldn't have let you use it if it was wrong. Sorry Friend.

The Polls open up in a little less than 8 hours, so I need to go to sleep now.

Have a good night!

Aimee said...

Hey Hon! It sounds like by now most of your computer woes have been solved (or resolved?). Yay!

How was science lab today?

It's nice to be home, but I'm tired. I'll check in with you tomorrow. Have a great Tuesday.


Kerri said...

I can view it just fine, too....from work. I can't figure out what is different between my home and work computers. I guess I can blog from home, just can't respond to comments (although I do know they're there because they come to me via e-mail).