Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone is having a great Thanksgiving with their families.

This year was "supposed" to be our first year having dinner completely alone but my sister-in-law keeps complaining about being alone. All I could say to her was, "Now you know what it feels like to be the one to be left behind!" That seems a little cold, but that's the type of humor she has...she just laughed. I've had her children for every Thanksgiving since the youngest stopped nursing. She just turned 11 in September. She's always traveled to Seattle with the rest of the family for Thanskgiving and left her kids with me. So it was always Michael and I and her kids. I'm not complaining, mind you. I love those girls like they are my own and have them so often people have actually thought they were mine!

But I was looking forward to having a peaceful Thanksgiving with just the two of us.

She, aparently, has become accustomed to the huge Thanksgiving gathering they have in Seattle so is insisting we combine. I got her to agree to dessert. Her family and mine for pie. That was fine. But I've just hung up the phone. She's busy calling anybody she can to make this dessert "party" as big as she can. I hope she baked a lot of pies because I certainly didn't.

Okay, deeeeeep breath!

Other than that, this should be a good day. Michael and I have baked the last of our pies, I'll put the turkey in the oven in an hour or so and we'll be good to go.


I'm Thankful For...

I am thankful for my husband. He is my best friend. He does his best to spoil take care of me in every way possible.

I am thankful for my parents. They got divorced when I was 12 but have remained friends and my biggest supporters. I got my desire to help others from my mother, as well as my natural wavy hair. I got my sense of humor from my dad.

I am thankful that my sister and I actually get along like sisters. There was a time we couldn't stand to be in the same room together. Now we talk all the time and I can't wait to see her again.

I am thankful that I have employment. Not just employment; a job I absolutely love. Children are so good at making me smile each day. I'm there till 4PM each day and even then, I sometimes have a hard time leaving.

I am thankful for our health. Michael's test results have all been favorable so far. Still waiting to hear about the monitor he had to wear, but all his other tests were good.

I am thankful that I am able to call this small paradise home. It has it's flaws, as does any place, but I am absolutely happy here and can't imagine living anyplace else.

I am thankful for my nieces and nephews who make my life full of excitement, giggles, and slobbery kisses.

And last but not least, I am thankful for my computer. As I mentioned in my Wonders of MY World post, it's what helps me meet and stay connected to the wonderful people I've met online. :o)

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! *HUGS*


Aimee said...

Wow--what a great post! I'm so relieved Michael's tests have all come back positive so far. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the final one.

Your sister in law sounds like a piece of work! Is she your husband's sister, his brother's wife, or your brother's wife? Either way--she needs to learn some boundaries 'cause she's over the top!

Whatever. As long as she brings enough pie. ;)

I hope your day is fantastic. I look forward to reading all about it later.

Big Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and M!

Kerri said...

Hi Aimee, she is my husband's baby sister. Which probably explains why she's always needing to be bailed out and used to getting her way. She's the baby of seven. She's older than me, but I sometimes feel like she's still a teenager and (no offense to any blondes out there) I'm always telling her she should have been born a blonde because she is SO forgetful. hehe

I hope you had a nice day today. I'll write more about our day later. I've got my nieces and one of their friends here watching Harry Potter. Time to go hide away in the bedroom. ;o)

((((Ahka)))) I'll pass along your message. I hope you had a nice visit with family. Tell your daughter the sweet potatoes were excellent. :o)