Saturday, November 06, 2004

Saturday Babble

It’s about 36 degrees right now. My kind of weather. This afternoon it was a bit warmer but not by much. There’s a wind blowing that adds a wind chill factor. I knew it was going to be a cold, dry day before I even looked outside. My hair is a great indicator of weather. If I brush it and it gets all full of static and drives me up a wall, I know not to be expecting rain any time soon. :o) As much as I love the cold, I can live without the shocks I get every time I reach for a door knob or anything else, for that matter.

The power company was having serious problems this morning. It started at around 7AM. (Why was I awake at 7AM on a Saturday morning???) The power went out for almost an hour. Once it came on, it continued to go off and on at irregular intervals until after Noon. It was averaging about once an hour, sometimes more. Needless to say, our house was quiet. I was afraid to turn anything on because there was no telling how long we’d have electricity. If we weren’t waiting for a phone call, we would have left the house sooner than we actually did.

The phone call we were waiting for finally came around 1PM. It was our niece Lucione. She’s on the Jr. High basketball team and they are playing in a tournament this weekend. She called to give us her latest results. They defeated their opponent and earned a berth in the championship game. Tip-off is in an hour. I wanted so much to see her play but, again, was feeling a bit selfish and wanted this weekend to be just me and my husband so I pretended I didn’t hear him ask if I wanted to jump on the ferry this morning. We’ll just watch the video tomorrow night.

Once we hung up the phone, we headed out the door. We drove to the other end of the island and took a little walk. I love breathing the cold air. The sky was blue and the world was peaceful. The ponds were starting to freeze and looked like glass jigsaw puzzles where the pieces were all sizes of triangles. I don’t think I noticed that before. I didn’t have my camera so don’t have pictures to share. We had a nice time, though, and if we didn’t have to catch the grocery store, probably would have wandered around a bit longer. We only have one grocery store and it closes at 5:30 on Saturdays.

My husband is definitely leaving on Monday. The weather forecast calls for snow showers tonight and tomorrow. We probably won’t get any, but the thing that worries us is the wind. It’s supposed to be blowing all week so taking a chance on the planes is not a good idea. You never know when they’re going to stop flying to wait for calmer conditions. The smartest plan seems to be leaving a day early to take advantage of the ferry. This will give him a chance to spend time with his sister but means an extra night for me alone. :o(

I’ve decided to have Lucione stay with me so hopefully I’ll be too busy taking care of her to realize I’m lonesome. Not that a 12 year old will need a whole lot of taking care of…but ya know what I mean. I’ll think of something to bake, or pull some games off the shelf or something. She finds great pleasure in sending my game pieces back to Home when we play Sorry! and likes to give me as many cards as possible when playing Uno.


Kerri said...

Tara, the snow is slowly creeping its way down the mountain so don't get jealous just yet. ;o) I'm loving the colder temps, though.

Jenny said...

Kerri, I'll be praying for you and Michael this week.

The great thing about 12 year old girls is that they can be nonstop giggle factories, and cause you to be, too.

Your walk around the island seems so tranquil and soothing.

Have a great week. Bless you.

Kerri said...

Thanks, Jayleigh. I appreciate it. :o)

This island is a very tranquil place. Separated from the rest of the world. Our own little paradise. Most of the time. ;o)

I'm counting on my niece to keep my mind occupied. We'll see how that goes.