Thursday, November 04, 2004

*Waving My White Flag*


Okay, I’m tired of butting heads with Blogger Tech Support and I hate not being able to respond to comments while I’m at home so I’m giving in. They win. I’m removing the underscore from my blog URL. So those of you who have me on your blog rolls (HA! All 3 of you!!) or bookmarked, if you plan to keep me on your rolls and want to go through the trouble, please update your links to my blog by removing the underscore from the URL. I’ll change it Friday evening. Hopefully, that’s enough time for those interested enough to see this.


Aimee said...

Hey--my comment from yesterday got swallowed up. :( Weird Blogger.

Thanks for the forewarning about the name change. If for some reason you change more than just the underscore, would you please email me so I know where to find you?

Thanks--and have a great Friday!

Jenny said...

Thankfully, when you change the name of your blogsite, it will redirect peeps to the new address, at least for a while, I'm assuming.

Has this been the longest week or what?

Kerri said...

Aimee, which comment was that? The only one I received before this one was asking about the audio clip...and I answered that one a few minutes ago.

Jayleigh, that's good to know, but I'm not too worried. It's not like I was on a whole lot of blog rolls. ;o)

Aimee said...

Wow--re: your comment on my site, bummer about the movies... I think you ought to invest in NetFlix!

Kerri said...

I've thought about NetFlix but haven't looked into it for fear of finding out it's "Not available in Alaska or Hawaii" as is usually the case when I think I've stumbled across a good deal.

Aimee said...

Today is much, much better, thanks for asking! But our email at work isn't working properly either. It's not letting in emails from outside our system, neither is it sending along the emails we're sending. Grrrr. I hope they get it fixed soon.

Kerri said...

You're the only one outside of the district I've tried to e-mail today. Maybe the problem is all on your end! haha Highly unlikely. ;o)