Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving Recap

It’s 11:38PM and I am so beat. It’s been a long day. I was up until almost 1AM last night chatting on Yahoo with Ahka and got up just before 8AM. 8:00 is normally sleeping in for me, but I’m usually in bed closer to 11PM if not sooner.

So anyway, we baked another pie this morning because we hadn’t planned on our dessert party my sister-in-law insisted on. Then we put the turkey in the oven, made the salad and went for a drive. The weather was perfect today. We normally get really high winds and heavy rain. It was a little breezy today but not too bad. The sky was mostly cloudy, but there were a few blue patches every now and then. At one point, we noticed it was raining. Soon the rain turned to wet snow and finally into hail. Michael asked me if I was wishing for snow. Hehe That’s sort of an inside joke with us because when my niece Lucione was small, she always seemed to get snow when she wished for it.

After our ride we came back home and finished preparing the food. We cooked the stuffing separate from the turkey this year so when the turkey came out of the oven, we put in the stuffing and the sweet potatoes. Michael wanted marshmallows on them and I had never cooked them that way before so I had to recruit Ahka and her daughter to help me figure out what to do. They turned out great!

We watched the tape delayed Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and then when it was time, just sat and enjoyed each others company at the dinner table. It really was nice to have a quiet dinner alone but we kinda missed the girls.

After dinner, we cleaned up the kitchen before we got lazy, haha, and then watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving on CBS. Once that was over, it was time to go to the dessert party.

Turned out I didn’t need to bring my pies after all because my sister-in-law served and she only cut her pies. Oh well, I wanted to share with my dad anyway. He’ll be happy when I call him in the morning to tell him I have leftovers.

After things settled down, Jasmine came by to visit the girls. She’s the daughter of my “cousin” who is only my cousin because he is the son of my “aunt” who isn’t really my aunt. Haha His mom and my mom have been life-long best friends so I grew up calling her my aunt. Jasmine is deaf and brought Harry Potter to watch with the girls. We couldn’t get the closed captions to work on the TV so I brought them all over to my house to watch. They had a blast.

After the movie, Lindsey came into the bedroom where Michael and I were playing Cribbage. She got all excited when she saw us playing.

“Oh! I know how to play that game! Can I play next?”

She’s 11 so I didn’t believe her. “How do you know how to play this game? I bet you don’t even know!” I like to tease her.

“I do, too! My teacher put it in our math center at school!”

So after I beat Michael by 20 points, I let her play. I’ll be darned if the little stinker didn’t beat me. I wasn’t even trying to lose! She challenged her uncle and lost so then she challenged him to Slap Jack. She wasn’t about to go home a loser. It didn’t take her long to beat him.

Now it’s almost Midnight and my house is quiet once again. All in all, it was a very good day. The turkey turned out tasty and moist, the stuffing just crisped enough, the sweet potatoes were yummy, the crab salad delicious, and I have to say MY pies were the best! Haha

I hope the rest of you had a nice Thanksgiving with your families.


Jenny said...

Kerri, what a wonderful day you have had! I love it when you go to sleep completely exhausted but knowing you're loved by friends and family.

Happy "weekend off"!!!

I'm going to work today at 1PM. I'll think about ya!

Aimee said...

All except the part with your sister in law, that sounds just perfect. :)

Enjoy your loooong weekend.