Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sunday is Almost Over

That makes me sad because next comes Monday which means my husband is leaving town. I can’t figure out why I’m so uneasy about his leaving. It’s not like we’ve never been apart. I’ve gone to my mothers before and been there as long as 3 weeks before he joined me. He went away for training a couple years ago and was gone for almost 3 months. This is only for 3 nights. I almost teared up thinking about it tonight. I know I’m over reacting. But I can’t stop. I think since his brother died, I’m not as comfortable with us being apart. These tests they’re doing are just a precaution; a way to rule out or head off major heart problems. All of his tests up to this point have had good results. Nothing to worry about. SO WHY AM I WORRYING? This is going to be one long week.

It’s been raining all day. Not regular rain…really wet snow. You can’t tell its snow until it hits the windshield except that it’s really cold. As we were driving past one of our many lakes this afternoon, he gasped and asked, “What is that?” I panicked thinking he saw a dead animal on the road or something and started looking at the road in front and behind us. “Over there!” he shouted.

Sheesh…you’d think it was his first time seeing swans. Okay, we usually only spot one at a time, but still…no need to be so dramatic. Hehe There were actually 10, but one swam away. I guess it was camera shy. :o) Posted by Hello

I just hung up the phone. I told Lucione to get ready to move in and also had a little chat with Lindsey. Lucione played on both the A and B teams in the tournament this weekend. As a member of the A team, she placed 2nd overall. As a member of the B team she made the All-Tourney team. A successful weekend all around. Lindsey went to support her sister, but also got her hair cut. I asked her if it was cut short or if she just got a trim. Her reply?

“If you see me from far away and I’m not wearing pink, I look like a boy.”

She cracks me up.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! What a nice pic of the swans..I like,I like..thanks for sharing the pic with me and the others.
You both are in my prayers...hugs! Keep me posted. Making bread tonite. Have a good day tomorrow!!

Kerri said...

I knew you would like it. :o) That's why I sent the Yahoo IM. I thought I had signed off for the night, but had to see if you signed on. hehe

Your prayers are appreciated, thank you. I'll try to have a good day tomorrow, but I'm dreading it already.

Aimee said...

Let's see if this works this time...

I hope the next 3 days go well for you. I'll be thinking good thoughts & sending happy energy your direction.


Kerri said...

Thanks, Aimee...I appreciate it. :o)