Friday, November 05, 2004

Today was a good day. Michael and I just kinda lazed around all morning. It felt like a Sunday. After lunch we went for a drive. The sky was looking weird. Depending on which direction you looked, the weather was different. One way, the sky was blue with a few bright white clouds. The other way, the clouds were dark gray. At one point in our drive, we must have crossed that imaginary line because all of the sudden, the temp dropped a few degrees and it was snowing on us. Not much and not enough to stick on the ground, but it WAS snow! The first of the year. :o)

After our drive we came home and cooked dinner. Didn’t do anything worth mentioning after dinner. Now it’s 10:30 and I’m ready to relax and watch some TV or something.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kerri,Glad you got your URL to work at home!
Woohoo! for your's a start in the right direction...hehe!
This morning my son is coming over and we are going out for breakfast. He took today off since they weren't doing to much,if it was more demanding he won't have taken today off,today is his Friday. My family is doing fine. Last night I did some beading,I'm almost done with my 6th bracelet..woohoo!! You have a good day..hugs

Kerri said...

Hi, Ahka. How was breakfast? :o) Glad to hear the family is fine. 6th bracelet already, huh? I remember when you were "wishing" you knew how to bead now there's no stopping you!