Thursday, November 04, 2004


I have today and tomorrow off from work. It’s time for Parent/Teacher conferences but since I don’t have my own classroom this year, I’m ducking out. Parents are never interested in hearing about the pull-outs (science, computers, music, library) anyway so my day is pretty much nothing but sitting around and occasionally waving to someone walking by in the hallway.

I also just wanted to be home. Back in June, one of my husbands brothers died of a sudden massive heart attack. Since then, the doctors have been keeping a close eye on my hubands cholesterol and blood pressure. On Tuesday, he’s traveling to Sitka to have further testing on his heart. I’m concerned because they said that the type of heart failure his brother had is genetic. I just need to be close to him for a few days before he leaves. He’ll only be gone from Tuesday (possibly Monday if the weather is bad) to Thursday, but I’m not too crazy about being alone. I just may have to have Lucione stay with me to keep me company.

So, anyway, I’m being selfish for the next few days.

He just came home from the post office. If you’ve read my blog from the beginning…or at least within the past 3 months or so…you know all about him and his gift-giving games. Well, with more than a month to Christmas, guess what? He came home from the post office today and had a box. Two, actually, but one was something I had ordered. The other, he says, is “one” of my Christmas gifts. And so it begins. Again. Haha

We’re off to take a drive now.


Jenny said...

Thanks for posting that link. I think I started reading your blog about a week before school started, so I never saw that one before.

Your hubby sounds like a gem of a man, and he's lucky to have you, too!

I'll pray for his dr. visit and for you while he's gone. Definitely have Lucione stay with you... she'll keep your mind from worrying too much. Perhaps she'll serenade you silly.

Kerri said...

My husband is just a big teddy bear. He's kind, thoughtful, sensitive, and has a great sense of humor.

My only complaint? He loves, Loves, LOVES to shop! I can't keep up with him on the rare occasion we get to a mall or even Walmart in the next town. I'm actually in pain from all the walking we do because he just won't quit! hehe

Kerri said...

Lovisa, I've been called a lot of things, but never a saint. haha! I just like the element of surprise. Even more so when he's determined to get me curious about something. That's when MY fun starts because I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be. hehe