Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Birds

Have you ever seen that Alfred Hitchcock movie? I watched it with my mother as a child. I think that may have something to do with my fear of birds. They’re nice enough to look at as long as they’re not looking at me. Once they look at me, I feel like they’re plotting their attack.

We have birds in our building this morning. Wild birds. Not pet birds in cages. Caged birds I can deal with. These are live, wild birds who slipped in through an open door. They’re in the library. I sincerely hope they are not in there at 2:00 today when I have a library class. I’ve seen them flying around as I walk down the hall, but haven’t gone in there. If I get brave, I may go and try to get a picture of them. I brought my camera today for the sole purpose of photographing the restroom door. I’ll post that when I get home.


Aimee said...

I haven't seen the movie, but it was filmed really close to where I live (at least one scene was filmed in the town where I work), so I'm sort of familiar with it. Enough, at least, to understand your fear of birds.

It's 1:30 now--I hope they're gone in the next half hour so you can do your class!

Kerri said...

The birds are gone. (Thank Goodness!) I got too busy to get a picture of them, but some day when I'm not so busy, maybe I'll take come pictures of our school to post.

Aimee said...

Ok, but you WILL post the bathroom picture, won't you?

Kerri said...

Yes, I took a picture of my little sign and the one someone else added to it. I'll post it later. I just got home and need to cook dinner. :o)

Jenny said...

1. I don't like birds either. They're too flighty. *cheesy grin*

2. I so cannot wait for the pic!

Kerri said...

Too flighty...hahaha!