Friday, October 08, 2004


This is Lindsey. She's the one we had all last weekend. She wanted a close-up view of the fish and this was as close as she could get without joining them for a swim. Posted by Hello

She and her sister are polar opposites. They always have been. One is calm, the other hyper. One loves her sleep, the other is an early riser (one guess which one!). Their tastes in food are always changing, but they're always opposite. I've seen Lindsey eat all her meat and Lucione eat all her vegetables. Then they'd switch plates and eat what the other left behind. Having them both at the same time is a challenge. I can keep up with Lindsey when she's here alone. But put them together and it's a whole different story. Now that they're getting older, it's not as bad. They used to fight constantly.

Lindsey is a lot like me. I'm not hyper, but she is shy and quiet when she's in unfamiliar surroundings. It takes her a while to warm up to new people but once she does, watch out! She does things around me she would never do at school or anyplace else public. I mentioned in one of my comments a few days ago how she serenaded me during dinner. Just suddenly started singing You Are So Beautiful at the top of her lungs. She definitely makes life interesting.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I loved that story. Sure makes life interesting, especially when you never know when they're going to break out in song.

Didn't it make you feel special that she picked THAT song, though?


Cute photo of Lindsey.