Saturday, October 02, 2004

Busy Day

It’s almost 10PM and I finally found a moment to sit down and post. I have my niece for the weekend. The 11 yr. old niece. The hyper niece. The must keep busy constantly niece. Needless to say, I’ve had a long, eventful day.

It had a weird start. I woke up about 7AM. I went back to bed for a nap around 10AM because I got a headache and there’s nothing harder than keeping up with my niece with a headache.

I had a weird dream during my nap. I was going back to college. No idea what for, but I was a part of a group of 4 women. My step-sister was with me. That in and of itself was strange because she is married with 2 kids and lives in Washington.

We were in a poetry class. The professor was lecturing about a poem and then all of the sudden he switched gears and started quoting scripture. I was confused wondering why he’d change the subject right in the middle of a lecture. One sentence was about the symbolism in the poem and the next was a verse from Revelations.

I finally realized that I was sort of half awake. My professor didn’t change his lecture. Someone knocked on the door and there was a Jehovah’s Witness in the living room with my husband! They didn’t stay long, though. When my husband started quoting scripture right back to him, I guess he decided his words were best shared with someone else.

After he left we did some house cleaning and then took our niece out for a drive. We stopped at a couple beaches and let her explore since the weather was so nice. We watched fish swim up stream, a seal swimming in the bay, and spotted a “stork thing-a-ma-jig,” as she called it. I didn’t actually see it, so I don’t know what it was.

After our drive we went to the grocery store. I told her she could get herself one treat and when she saw the peanut butter slices, she thought that was the coolest thing since sliced bread and just had to have them. Turns out they don’t taste all that bad. Much like the peanut butter filling of a Reses Peanut Butter Cup but with a smoother texture.

I let her choose what we’d cook for dinner and she wanted nachos. We put all the taco fixings on top of some tortilla chips. Pretty tasty.

After dinner, we thought we’d take the dog for a walk out on the runway. By the time we got there, it was too dark and foggy to see so I had to follow behind with the truck to light their way.

Now we’re back at home, she’s working on homework and I finally have a quiet moment. Phew!


Jenny said...

- LOL at your hubby dealing with the JW. Mine does the same thing.

- What is a PB slice? Sounds super-yummy.

- I enjoy your stories with your nieces and nephew(s). Haven't heard you mention more than one neph. I dearly love my nieces and nephew.

Kerri said...

Peanut Butter slices look a lot like the wrapped cheese slices. We found them on the same shelf as the jarred peanut butter and jelly. You peel off the plastic wrap just like you do cheese. I guess it's supposed to simplify the whole sandwich making process but she just eats the slices. I don't mind. It keeps her from eating spoonfuls right out of the jar. She did that one day when she was younger. I couldn't figure out why I had no teaspoons in the drawer. She was sneaking peanut butter and her mom had taught her never to use the same spoon twice. I found her and all my spoons hiding on top of the washing machine. She was only about 4 at the time. Never did figure out how she was getting up on the washer. I think she must have been stepping on the dryer door or something.

Between the two of us, we've got 17 nieces and 20 nephews. My husband is one of 7 children and I am one of 9 (but I only have 1 biological sister...the rest are step-siblings). These are just counting the children of our siblings. In our traditional ways, first cousins are considered your brothers and sisters. This makes the children of our cousins our nieces and nephews.

Jenny said...

Oh that is really cool. There were 9 of us cousins on my dad's side and we all lived in the same neighborhood growing up. They are all like my brothers and sisters, so I can completely understand what you are saying there. Hubby and I are both the youngest of 3... him by 4 years and me by 4 minutes. ;-)

Your niece and the teaspoon story is the cutest thing!

Kerri said...

This particular niece is always surprising us. You just never know what she's going to do. She's terribly shy and quiet out in public but if she knows you really well, she keeps you on your toes. Yesterday she almost made me choke on my dinner. She was just eating quietly and all of the sudden began to serenade me with "You are so Beautiful" at the top of her lungs. She made Alfalfa sound like he knew how to sing. She cracked me up. The harder I laughed the louder and more off key she sang, arms flailing all over the place. There's never a dull moment with her.