Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Terrible Tuesday

I’m irritated today. I don’t know why. I’m just in a funky mood. Things that shouldn’t bother me do. Things that normally bother me are really aggravating today.

I’m not talking a whole lot today. If I see a student misbehaving, I’m in the sort of mood where just a “look” is enough to send the message that they need to change their behavior.

It’s not just the kids, though. I feel like the other teachers are taking advantage of me and its really frustrating me. Not normally, but for some reason, today I just want to throw my hands up and walk away.

The kindergarten teacher has about 22 students. At the beginning of the year, we decided that she would have two computer days so that she could send half on Tuesday and half on Thursday. It was her idea because she wanted to work with small groups. But she isn’t working with small groups. I get all 22 twice a week. Not really a huge deal, except she’s the only teacher who gets two computer slots a week. I haven’t said anything because up until today, it didn’t really bother me. I enjoy the kids but it just occurred to me that it isn’t fair to the rest of the school…teachers or kids.

I only have computer classes the first hour of the day. The lab is open to anyone who wishes to use it for the remainder of the day but the teachers have to come in and supervise their students. I may be in the lab at different times during the day, but I’m not here to supervise kids. I’m here to fix technical problems or do research for a teacher. Sometimes I’m on a break. If I walk in and there is a class here, as soon as their teacher sees me, they leave. I have a sign-up chart posted by my door. It clearly states that if they sign up for a slot, they must remain in the lab with their students, whether I’m here or not. I need to be free to go into a classroom to work on a computer if I need to and I can’t leave students unsupervised. Aaarrrgghhh!

Another thing teachers do is have their kids hunt me down if I’m not in the lab. If they need to take a test, they hunt me down to ask if they can take it in the lab. If they missed their library day, they hunt me down to check their books in and check out another. I don’t mind doing these things when I have the time, but don’t interrupt my science class just to check out a book.

Geez, it’s only Tuesday?! I really hope I snap out of this awful mood. I can’t survive the rest of the week feeling like this.


Jenny said...

Kerri, I'm right here with you. It must just be funky Tuesday. Mindy's new cat is making me angry, using the living room rug for it's box. That's really the last item of a laundry list.

For you? I don't know. We asked people NOT to use the Sunday School after church as a babysitting service. You asked the teachers to stay with the class. We finally changed the time so it's before church.

You're so darn nice and probably that's why people ask to check out a book during science class and leave their students with you. Perhaps if it continues even after you've talked to the offending parties, you could institute policies such as not letting the child check out a book until you're done with science and also having the children return to their regular room.

Maybe that's a little mean, but I'm right here with you. I hope things are better by the time you get this.

Aimee said...

Aaaacccckkkkk! I'm with JL--I think it's the day. I'm having a terribly testy Tuesday, too. I'm in a sour mood. Not foul, just sorta gritchy.

As my younger sister says, "Today I have a Big Way... and everyone is in it!"

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh, no...not really feeling better. I just finished lunch and now I've got a stomach ache. haha

My post sounds really whiney. I so not like that normally, it's just one of those days, ya know? I'm not going to delete it, though, because typing it out actually helped me realize what's going on in my head and that it's partially my fault.

The thing is, I normally bend over backwards to help people. If I'm in the middle of something, I drop it and help others before I return and finish my own tasks. People know this. What they don't understand is that this is the first year I'm not able to drop what I'm doing and be at their beck and call all day long.

I've been in the computer lab for 7 years. All day, everyday. This is the first year where I'm in the computer lab, science lab, and library. So they're not really using me like it feels...they're just creatures of habit like we all are as humans.

My trouble is I'm not being assertive enough in telling them that things have changed.

Stupid me assumed they'd figure that out all on their own.

Kerri said...

Aimee, you posted your comment while I was in the middle of mine. Thanks for making me smile. :o)

Kerri said...

Thanks Tara, but alas, it just wasn't meant to be. :o(