Thursday, October 14, 2004

My Little Tickle Monster

This is my niece Lindsey. Her sister Lucione took this picture at their oldest brothers wedding. Lindsey was a candle lighter - we don't usually let her play with lighters. :o)

She came to visit me yesterday after she got out of school. We watched Home Alone 2 together. I was careful not to move when she was looking at me because I was so sore that when I did move, I winced. When she saw my expression change, she'd come over and start to tickle me. I'm ticklish but usually I can control my laughter when I don't feel like being tickled. It never works with her, though. The way she tickles is funny so even if she doesn't manage to tickle me, I laugh. Once I let out the slightest giggle, she doesn't quit. She didn't know that her tickling was actually causing me to move more which, in turn, caused me to hurt more. All she knew was that I was laughing and smiling. That's what she wanted. I asked her to stop and she said, "No, I'm trying to make you feel better." After I thought about it, I did feel better. Laughter is a good medicine. Especially when administered by a child. :o) Posted by Hello


Aimee said...

How sweet! Painful, but sweet. Kids can be so incredible.

For the record, from my own keyboard instead of my sister's, I think it's admirable that you teach. If all teachers were like I imagine you to be, I wouldn't have such an issue with public schools.

Then again, being where you are, your school is probably vastly different than the large, overcrowded schools here. Perhaps if I lived in a region like that I'd be happy with public schooling. Who can say for sure though....


Kerri said...

I'm back at work today. Still limping, but I miss my job when I'm here. There is nothing large about our school. Lindsey has already come in to check on me to make sure I was 1. here and 2. feeling better. Needless to say, when I saw her, I sat down so that she wouldn't see me limp!

The building I'm in (the elementary building) has the most students and we only have about 143 from Kindergarten through 6th grade. Class sizes range from 12 to 20 in each room. Most are somewhere in the middle. I couldn't do this in a huge district, I don't think. I like the fact that I know each child personally and enjoy watching them grow and mature. I couldn't do that in a larger setting. I'm extremely lucky to be able to live here and work in the environment that I do.

What you've chosen for your daughter sounds awesome. I've heard a little bit about Montessori (sp?) before, but this is the first I've heard of Sudbury. I'm sure she'll do extremely well.

I'm off to science now.

Sheesh! I should have just written a new post.

Aimee said...

I checked out your school's website (I took a chance and plugged the last part of your email address into my browser bar). It looks SO wonderful! That's exactly what I mean about a good education--all the teachers know all the kids as individuals and help them learn and grow. Very awesome!

Jenny said...

Kerri I'm so glad you're feeling better. Your Lindsey is an adorable child, and the way you describe her tickling you is so much the way my niece Mindy acts.

I had the best day shopping with my mom today. You might have picked up from some of my posts that ours is not always the best relationship. But today was wonderful.

And I bought snow boots, because my sis and her boyfriend (both meteorlogists) say that Michigan will get its first snow of the season this weekend. Ugh. So not ready.

Glad you were able to make it to work. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful weekend.

Kerri said...

Aimee, how clever of you to figure out how to find me! hehe

Jayleigh, I'm so glad you had a good time with your mother. Lindsey is adorable...goofy and hyper...but adorable. :o)

Kerri said...

I want snow! I mentioned in a comment before that you will probably get more snow than me this winter. Winter is not what it used to be around here. Snowfall is less frequent and when we do get snow, it's not the right kind. Our winters lately consist of A LOT of rain. Our mountains are still bare. Send me some snow, please!