Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Lightbulb Moment

Have you ever had one of those “Ah-ha!” moments and then afterwards all you could say was, “DUH!”

My niece Alexys had one of those today. She and Lucione came to do their homework at my house after they got out of school. They usually work at the kitchen table but I was preparing my salmon casserole for the potluck so they opted for the computer room instead (although why they’d pass up smelling my freshly chopped onions is beyond me).

So they’re in here working and I come in to check on them. They had the lamp on but were still struggling to see their text books. I walked over to the window and opened the blinds.

Alexys blinked her eyes at the bright light and exclaimed, “Whoa! That makes a big difference!”

“Huh.” I said, “Who would have thought that just by opening the blinds you’d get more light!”

She has moments like that a lot. Not that she’s an airhead. She’s an A student and is always on the Honor Roll. She’s always thinking...but the really simple things stump her every now and then. She’s got a great sense of humor, though, and laughed at herself before Lucione or I even cracked a smile.


Jenny said...

Your nieces sound incredibly adorable.

Have a great night.

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh, hope all is well with you.
My nieces are quite adorable...they haven't hit their teens yet. hehe They're gettin there, though. Too quick, if you ask me.