Monday, October 11, 2004

I'm in for a Long Day :o(

I am going to be soooo tired by the end of the school day today! I woke up at 6AM which is normal. BUT, I was still awake at 1:15 AM. I was afraid to look at the clock after that even though I was awake long after that. I don’t know what time I actually fell asleep. I’m okay right now, but ask me again at 2:45 when that school bell rings and I may have a whole different answer. I don’t even come home until 4:00. *sigh*

I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about cooking. I soaked some beans overnight and got them in the crock pot already. They’ll be ready to eat by 4:00 and I may be in bed for the night before my husband gets home at 5:00. hehe


Jenny said...

- LUV the clock!

- Yesterday must have been some kind of national crockpot day... I got some chili going early and had it at 8:30 when I got home from work. So yummy! Two coworkers did the same thing, and a friend called me and asked what I was making so she followed suit!

- Sorry you didn't get much sleep two nights ago, but I bet you slept well last night! We put a little hand towel over our clock so I can't see it if I wake in the night. I see it's late and then I worry about sleeping and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

- How are your sis and uncle doing?

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh,
I'm glad you like the clock. You asked what time it was here one day so I was thinking of you when I added it. :o)

That's funny about the crock pots. While I was at work, one of the aides made a comment that she didn't know if she had enough time to cook and her sister said, "That's what they invented crock pots for, sis. I started mine this morning."

I slept a lot better lastnight. I went to bed about 10:30 and woke up about 5:30. I didn't even hear my husband coming to bed or getting up. I was OUT.

My sister is still recovering from her surgery. My uncle is due for a check-up in the next couple days but when I saw him a few days ago he said he was feeling stronger everyday and should be returning to work soon. Thank you so much for asking!