Thursday, October 14, 2004


I stayed home from work again today. My leg is not throbbing like it was all day yesterday, but I’m pretty stiff and moving around slowly. With as much walking as I do throughout the school day, I thought it best I let myself just take it easy and rest for one more day.


I’ve said it before, I am not very outspoken and sometimes find it hard to meet new people. The thing about blogs is you can get to know someone without exposing yourself. Just by reading the words of someone else, you get a sense of who the writer is.

I don’t remember whose I read first, but there is a circle of friends here in blogland and during my travels throughout this circle, I noticed the comments by a particular person were everywhere; always cheerful, kind, and thoughtful. I decided to visit her blog and this only confirmed my perceptions of her. She had, on that particular day, dedicated a post to someone else who was in need of a little support. It did not surprise me at all. I found myself thinking, “This is just what I’d expect from Aimee.”

So when it seemed obvious to me that she needed a little support of her own, I wanted to offer it. But how could I? She didn’t know who I am. She didn’t know I’ve been reading her comments and blog. She didn’t know I had been thinking about her; that her kind words for others had somehow affected me. But I felt it was something I needed to do.

I finally decided to send her an e-mail. I explained my thoughts and after some hesitation, finally pressed “send.” I had no idea how she’d take it. I feared she’d see it as creepy coming from someone she didn’t know or maybe not even read it at all because it came from an address she didn’t recognize.

Turns out she wasn’t creeped out. It actually made her happy.

So much so that she actually posted my e-mail on her blog! I cannot describe my surprise when I saw this. So much for anonymity! She and her friends were great about the whole thing. Turns out my original impressions about her were absolutely right. :o)

So thank you, Aimee (and Aimee’s friends) for the warm welcome. You made it possible for me to smile on what could have been a bad day. :o)


Aimee said...

(sniff, sniff) I literally have a tear in my eye, Kerri. You're such a doll!

I was telling my daughter's father about your letter and I said something to the effect of, "I can't believe this perfect stranger thinks I'm so nice, 'cause I'm such a Bitch sometimes!" He laughed and laughed (a little too much, I think!), then said, "Nah; she got you, Aim. She can tell how cool you really are."

Sheesh! So not only am I getting compliments from you and all my blogger friends as a result, but you're even garnering compliments from my non-blogger friends! And even the ones with whom I don't have a great relationship. Dang, Lady, you're good for my ego; I'm keeping you around!



Kerri said...

Aimee, what can I say? I call 'em like I see 'em! :o)

Kerri said...

So do I, Tara...I can't remember how I stumbled across Blogger, but I'm so glad I did. :o)