Friday, October 22, 2004

Miscellaneous Babble

I just realized I went over 100 posts this week. That is just crazy. I guess it's not as hard as I thought it would be to do this on a daily basis. Hmmm...

My cousin is a substitute teacher in the 4th grade classroom today. She has a daughter in 3rd grade. It's Weird Hair Day in 3rd grade today. When she fixed her daughter's hair, she thought it was Weird Hair Day for the entire school so she showed up to sub with 3 ponytails on her head in weird places and all uneven. Oops! She's being a good sport, though, and leaving them in.

Our mountains finally got some snow last night. Yay! Just at the tops, but it's a start. Hasn't really warmed up as much as the weather reports said it would. I love the chilly air. Only thing is, that when it rains, the rain is ice cold. I'm not going to complain, though. It's easier to bundle up to stay warm then have to suffer through muggy rain with a raincoat.

My niece Lucione is going to stay with me this weekend. I sent her to the grocery store one day to pick up some of those Pillsbury biscuits in the pop-open cans because I was too lazy to bake biscuits from scratch. She came back with sugar cookie dough instead. So now she gets to bake her cookies. Next week is the last week of the quarter and she managed to keep straight A's her first quarter of Jr. High so we're celebrating. :o)

She and Alexys have their pep band debut at the volleyball games tonight. The past 3 years, I've been participating in an alumni pep band because the high school either didn't have a music program or all of the musicians were also athletes and unavailable to play in the band. Now that there is a music program, there are more kids involved so I'm going to step back and enjoy listening to them. Lucione was a bit disappointed to hear I wouldn't be playing, but I think the kids need their chance to shine.

My wrist is pretty sore today. I think my tendonitis may have come back. I've been doing a lot of installations on the computers here at work which requires a lot of mouse maneuvering and clicking. 22 computers is a lot of computers when it comes to tasks like this. Sad part is, I haven't even worked on all 22 yet so my wrist is only going to get worse.

It's time for lunch so I guess I'll quit babbling. It's Friday! Yay!


Jenny said...

Mmmmmmmmm cookies! Was it an accident, though?

Make sure to wear one of those isolating wrist supports and don't type or click mice when you're not at work. Heheh. Yeah right.

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh,
She claims it was. Thing is, I typed a note and included an actual picture of the biscuits off of the internet. She didn't take the note with her, though and the biscuits and cookie dough are on the same shelf. Hmmm...oh well, she still deserves a treat and this will save time by not having to mix up our own batch. haha She doesn't care what we make, she just likes to help.
I have one of those braces because I get tendonitis so often. I've gotten pretty good at using the computer one-handed. I can type and use the mouse with my left hand when necessary. Give up the computer? HA!

Aimee said...

You might look into getting a Kensington Orbit mouse. It's a big weird getting used to it, but you only have to move your fingers, not your whole hand, to use it. It's certainly saved my right wrist on more than one occasion! I know the pain you're in and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Also hope you guys had a great time tonight with the music & the cookies. :) Enjoy your weekend,

Kerri said...

Thanks for the tip, Aimee...I'll have to look into that.

They were so cute playing. I'm going to take pictures tomorrow night. Alexys plays an alto sax and Lucione plays a trumpet. The whole time we were baking she kept talking about how much fun it was to play tonight. She said it so much, her uncle wants us to buy her a trumpet of her own.