Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A Whole Lotta....Nothin'

Today has been such a crazy day at work. I was supposed to test 6th grade in reading, but they didn’t show up.

Then I go to science and realize we’re painting today. With 1st graders. 13 of them. Fun! I managed to stay free of paint spots despite the fact that one little girl insisted on shaking her brush every time she dipped it in water. Art is fun, though. They made clay beads and sand sculptures during their last two labs. Today they painted them and then we made sand paintings. I’m just glad it’s over.

Once I got out of science, I returned to the computer lab. I was supposed to install some programs, but one of the classes showed up unannounced. I’m supposed to let them use the lab for projects so I suspended my plans. Their big project of the day? Playing multiplication games on the internet. Sheesh. I so could have made better use of my time.

My sister-in-law just came in. She got a phone call this morning accusing her of trying to have an affair with another woman’s husband. It’s crazy. I calmed her down and told her not to worry about it. The woman who called is just paranoid and her husband knows she is faithful. I hope this doesn’t get too out of hand.

Don’t you hate it when you’re in a public bathroom and someone comes and jerks on the door? I even drew a picture and taped it to the door.
“This is what the lock looks like when the restroom is occupied. This is that the lock looks like when the restroom is vacant.”
I taped it right next to the handle. It’s on bright yellow paper. Do people pay attention? Not when I’m in there. I’ve already drawn the picture…what else can I do?

I’m actually in a pretty good mood despite the tone of my post. I better quit before I make myself crabby. It’s lunch time, anyway. Yay!


Aimee said...

I love the picture!

I just realized that since we've been emailing every day, I haven't been reading your blog. Bad me! So now I'm all caught up (love the picture of your uncle, BTW), I have one question: What's head check day mean? Sounds weird.



Kerri said...

Head-check day is the day the nurses come over from the clinic and check the kids' hair for lice! ewww! *scratch, scratch*

Kerri said...

BTW, Aimee, thanks. I love that picture. He had a big part in us rediscovering out culture. I'm so proud I can say I'm related. :o) And welcome back...I did notice your comments had stopped. :op

Jenny said...

Ahhh the bathroom "smart people". I fail to believe that everyone is so preoccupied that they just open up doors on people who are in there! In my whole life, I have never been so preoccupied that I opened a bathroom door while occupied!

I signed up for the whole 5th season of Star Trek: TNG today on Netflix. Oh Captain Jean Luc Yummy and William Yummy Riker. Truly I've loved Jonathan Frakes since he was on The North and the South mini-series (coming to my house on DVD from Netflix very soon) with Patrick Swayze, ca. 1981

Kerri said...

Tara, EXACTLY! How hard is it to knock? Sheesh! I mean, come on, I drew a picture and everything! haha

Jayleigh, I've never walked in on anybody, thank goodness. I'm soo glad I don't ever forget to lock the door. But they pull so scares the "you-know-what" outta me. At least I'm in the right place for it. HA!

*blush* (Can't believe I just said to eat my dinner now.)

Jenny said...

btw, I love that you drew a picture.

Kerri said...

Apparently, I'm not the only one frustrated. Someone put a note above mine. I took pictures. I'll post them when I get home.

Jenny said...

I can't wait!