Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Oh, the Joys of Technology

My Terrible Tuesday did not improve any once I arrived home. In fact, it got worse. I have been avoiding SP2 like the plague because I’ve heard horror stories about it messing up computers. After I got home from work, I once again got the reminder to install and without thinking, I clicked “Install Updates.” I didn’t think about it until too late so I figured I’d wait and see what happens. When it started to install, it told me that it was making a backup in case I decided to remove SP2 later. I knew I had a recent restore point because I had checked the night before. I figured, okay I was hoping, I was safe.

After the day I had, I should have known I wasn’t. My computer did not agree with SP2. Not in any way, shape, or form. After I installed it, everything went haywire. My screen resolution reset itself so everything was HUGE. My mouse was working sporadically. The computer told me that it didn’t install correctly and I should remove it by going to Add/Remove programs. I did and things got worse.

I could not get it to do anything after trying to uninstall. My next step was to try and repair Windows. Once I did that, the monitor quit working. The computer would sound as if it was going to boot up, but then the screen would go blank and the light turned orange like it was in stand-by mode.

Once I got it booted in Safe Mode, I transferred my photos and documents to disks. I then attempted once again to repair Windows. It was still working when I went to bed at 11:30 last night.

This morning when I went to see what was going on, it was booting and rebooting itself over and over.

So before I left, I reformatted the drive and Windows was installing as I walked out the door. If I can't get it to work after this, I'm going to need a new window because I will not hesitate to throw my computer through the one I have.

Work so far is not so bad. I’m in a slightly better mood than yesterday. I just hope my computer works when I get home. I probably won’t post, though, even if it does. It will probably take me all night to reinstall everything else. Fun, fun, fun!


Aimee said...

Ooohhhh, groooooan! I'm so sorry, Hon. That sucks!

Jenny said...

Oh Kerri NO! That is so horrid, I cannot imagine!

Thank you for your comments on my blog. You are such a sweet lady and if I lived nearby, you can be sure I'd help you replace your window. I might even lend you a huge hammer to use for beating on your PC.

Deeeeeeep Breath, that's it.

Kerri said...

Thanks, ladies! Now that I'm not sitting in front of the computer at home, I'm starting to see a little bit of humor in the way things have turned out. My spirits are lifting slowly, but surely. :o)

And Jayleigh, that made me giggle. Instead of trying to talk me out of throwing my computer out the window, you offered to help replace it. hehe A big hammer would be fun, too. hmmmmm

jenny said...

Wow. I did the SP2 install and am SO glad I didn't read this before I installed. I had no idea what could've happened. Pictures and music and work stuff? Yikes.
I wish you luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, sounds like your having a time with your puter. I installed mine and it seems to be working okay...I hope..hehehe!! Hope you get it working again. Just remember take deep breathes (like someone posted :-) ) when you start working on your puter...((((hugs)))))

Kerri said...

Got my computer working again...but now the long process of re-installing everything begins. First things first, though. I've got dinner to cook!

Thanks for the good wishes, ladies. :o) Hopefully, I'll be back to normal, whatever that is, tomorrow.