Saturday, October 16, 2004


I didn't blog yesterday? I so thought I did. Weird.

This is Craig. Big Harry Potter fan, if you can't tell from the picture. He's in 1st grade this year. I've posted about him before. He's such a bright child. He "seems" like he's not interested in school; like he has better things to do than learn. But if you just give him a chance to talk, he'll show you he was paying attention and he has retained what you tried to teach him.

He used to have a temper. Now he's sweet and lovable. Very empathetic, too. And protective of his sister.

One of our favorite memories of him is from his Kindergarten year. He was telling his yaya about his first day. When asked what his teachers name was, he said, "Mrs. Tullock"

"Mrs. Pollock?"

"No, Mrs. TULLOCK"

"Mrs. Pull-up?"

"Mrs. TULL-OCK!"

"Oh, Mrs. Pull-off"

"For crying in the bucket! I said, MRS. TULLOCK!"

Not exactly what his yaya expected. For crying in the bucket? No idea where that came from.

Anyway, the weather is beautiful and my husband is not working so we're going to go find something to do outdoors. I hope you all are having a great weekend. :o) Posted by Hello


Jenny said...

What a precious kid and story! Snow flurries here today!

Kerri said...

I'm so jealous. I WANT SNOW!

Jenny said...

You don't have snow yet? The bonfire we went to last night was awesome. Just flurries here and we huddled for warmth.

Take care! You'll get more than your share of snow soon enough, I'm sure.

Kerri said...

Hi, Jayleigh! Nope, no snow! Not even on the highest mountain. :o(