Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Calm After the Storm

I think the storm may finally be over. The wind must have been gusting more than 60mph because my house shook many times throughout the night and even this morning. Now the skies have cleared and the wind has clamed. The rain I don’t mind. The wind I can do without. I walk to work each day. It’s only a block and a half away, but I have to walk against the wind. So when I get there, my hair is a mess and my face beat red. Walking home is just as fun. My back is to the wind so I get blown down the hill almost at a run. My hair is so long that it gets in my way and I can’t see where I’m going. I must be a sight to see. I’m getting embarrassed just thinking about it.


Kerri said...

The worst part is getting in a car on a windy day and not knowing until you try to turn your head that your hair is still on the OUTSIDE.

Jenny said...

Ooh I hated that when I had long hair! But now it's really short. I'll enjoy that until it's unbearably cold ('bout 10 degrees and under) and then I'll wear t-necks and scarves like they're going out of style.

What's the temp like in AK these days? It only got up to 50 here today and tomorrow it's supposed to be 70's. Nice forecast for a day off. Yahoo.

Kerri said...

We're in the low 50's right now. Tons of wind and rain although it's not blowing as hard as it was. Slowed down to 25mph but is supposed to be gusting around 40mph in a few hours with possible thunder storms.

You'll probably be colder than me all winter unless we have an unusually cold one this year. That's entirely possible considering we had a summer that was much hotter than usual. We spent the better part of 2 weeks up in the 90's and many days in the 80's. Normally, we're happy to reach 70.

As far as my hair, I keep threatening to cut it but haven't gotten brave enough to do it yet.